Up for it: AMENABLE, DOWN, GAME, WILLING Beginning with double letters: AARDVARK, EERIE, LLAMA, OOZE Nicknames for the sea, with “the”: BLUE, BRINY, DEEP, DRINK Aug. 3 (#419) Bit of excitement: HIGH, KICK, RUSH, THRILL Tolerate: BEAR, STAND, STOMACH, TAKE Nonsense: BALONEY, BULL...
Talks nonsense 2 Testifies prepares to be cross examined The gross clinic painter u s painter 1844 1916 The history the silence shak Theres a major one in disneys bambi opposed to a banner share Tree defoliating insect Typical of urban life Two home fronts 2 Three home fronts Two home fron...
USA TODAY Games: Crossword+Ratings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 7.2K Ratings
USA TODAY Games: Crossword+Ratings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 7.2K Ratings
The editors seem to be working under the illusion that they have an outstanding product to sell, which is nonsense. These puzzles are just quick to complete without requiring any deep thinking. I certainly won’t be subscribing and hope no one else does either. The manager in charge should ...
4.5 out of 5 7.2K Ratingshonest david , 11/03/2022 Sufficient but needs improvement As of the last update, auto-moving to the next clue does not work properly; the cursor moves to the 2nd open box, not the first. This issue did not exist a couple of weeks ago. I am on a 3rd...
The editors seem to be working under the illusion that they have an outstanding product to sell, which is nonsense. These puzzles are just quick to complete without requiring any deep thinking. I certainly won’t be subscribing and hope no one else does either. The manager in charge should ...