·The ring dip:吊环臂屈伸 ·The strict muscle-up:严格双力臂 ·The push- up:俯卧撑 ·The L-sit:L型保持 ·The kipping toes-to-bar:摇摆脚趾触杆 ·The kipping handstand push-up:借力倒立撑 ·The kipping chest tobar pull-up:胸触杆引体向上 ·The kipping bar muscle-up:摇摆双力臂 ·The ke...
此外,还有单臂哑铃过顶深蹲(Single-dumbbell overhead squat)、单腿手枪深蹲(Pistol)、火箭推(Thruster)等高难度动作,以及引体向上(Pull-up)、倒立俯卧撑(Strict handstand push-up)、跳绳技巧(如单摇Single-under和双摇Double-under)等。常用器械包括杠铃(Barbell)、哑铃(DB)、划船机(Rower...
If you watched the video, you will have an image in your mind of what is, apparently, one of CrossFit’s fondest exercises: The Kipping Pull Up It involves what starts out looking like an ordinary pull up —It is nothing of the kind. The person swings their legs violently forward at ...
[14] has compared heart rate (HR) response during a CrossFit® training (Cindy: A benchmark workout that consist of as much sets as possible within 20 min: five pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 air-squats) with high intensity treadmill training (20 min at 90% of HRmax). The mean ...