The Christians were not the first people to use the cross as a spiritual symbol. It had been used before them by other ancient peoples, and has been found in many places throughout the world. For example, designs based on the shape of the cross can be found in the sacredLeft to right...
4. any mark or shape consisting of two intersecting lines, esp such a symbol (×) used as a signature, point of intersection, error mark, etc 5. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a sign representing the Cross made either by tracing a figure in the air or by touching the forehead, breast, and eit...
7. a sign made with the hand outlining the figure of a cross as an act of devotion. 8. a structure or monument in the form of a cross, set up for prayer, as a memorial, etc. 9. a conventional representation or modification of the Christian emblem used as a symbol or ornament:...
so they’ll never take more than they give. They’ll always ensure everyone gets an equal piece of the peanut butter pie. Injustice makes their blood boil. They’re the first ones to stand up and speak out when there is wrongdoing. It’s good to have one...
The Christians were not the first people to use the cross as a spiritual symbol. It had been used before them by other ancient peoples, and has been found in many places throughout the world. For example, designs based on the shape of the cross can be found in the sacred Left to ...
4. any mark or shape consisting of two intersecting lines, esp such a symbol (×) used as a signature, point of intersection, error mark, etc 5. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a sign representing the Cross made either by tracing a figure in the air or by touching the forehead, breast, and eit...