22. (tr; usually foll by out, off, or through) to cancel with a cross or with lines; delete 23. (tr) to place or put in a form resembling a cross: to cross one's legs. 24. (tr) to mark with a cross or crosses 25. (Banking & Finance) (tr) Brit to draw two parallel ...
3. To remove or invalidate by or as if by running a line through or wiping clean.Off or out: annul, blot (out), cancel, delete, efface, erase, expunge, obliterate, rub (out), scratch (out), strike (out), undo, wipe (out), x (out). Law: vacate.4...
and coins with the sign of the cross, as well as the Chi-Rho monogram. By the late fourth century Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman Empire. During the fourth and fifth centuries, as Christianity moved out into the open, the cross gained in popularity. By the fifth...
Take our free body language quiz to find out! Take the Quiz How Do You Read Arms? Not all arms are equal. Our arms are dynamic. They can be wide and expansive when we’re feeling good, but in the very next moment become stiff and close if we’re scared. Think of how a person...
so they’ll never take more than they give. They’ll always ensure everyone gets an equal piece of the peanut butter pie. Injustice makes their blood boil. They’re the first ones to stand up and speak out when there is wrongdoing. It’s good to have one by your side if you’ve be...
USAID shepherded a seed law and a Biosafety Act through the Ghana Parliament and got them ratified into law before the citizens of Ghana realized what was going on. However, when the information started getting out people caught on fast. A number of farmers groups and civil society organization...
Nevertheless, it turns out that using the Baum–Connes conjecture with coefficients in the form of the Going-Down principle [10,17,18,39], it is possible to compute K- theory for the crossed product of the Morita enveloping action by comparing it to a discrete version. This part of the ...
In connection with the above, it is desired to point out that, using crossed discharges, the discharge very frequently partakes of the character of both a glow and corona discharge. However, under the particular conditions at which the herein set forth experiment was carried out, below about ...
While Sager writes pretty decent characters, where he excels (in my opinion) is the setting/atmosphere and the pacing. I was thoroughly creeped out as Jules tried to get through each night in her big and lonely apartment. I also devoured this book, needing to find out the answers along ...
I both loved and hated this book in equal measure, making this a completely foreign feeling, which I’m totally unaccustomed to. I went into this not expecting to like it, yet came out with the goofiest smile on my face, scolding myself all the while because it felt wrong to love some...