The first application of our proposed framework is cross-modality image registration which is necessary for medical image processing and analysis. With regard to brain registration, accurate alignment of the brain structures such as hippocampus, gray matter, and white matter are crucial for monitoring ...
Cross-modality image retrieval is particularly challenging, since images of similar (or even the same) content captured by different modalities might share few common structures. We propose a new application-independent content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system for reverse (sub-)image search across...
Hiasa, Y., Otake, Y., Takao, M., Matsuoka, T., azuma Takashima, Prince, J.L., Sugano, N., Sato, Y.: Cross-modality image synthesis from unpaired data using cyclegan: Effects of gra- dient consistency loss and training data size. MICCAI (2018)...
论文题目:《Generalizable Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation via Style Augmentation and Dual Normalization》 论文出处:CVPR2022 论文地址:论文链接 代码地址:代码链接 摘要 对于医学图像分割,想象一下,如果一个模型只在源域使用MR图像进行训练,它在目标域直接分割CT图像的性能如何?这种设置,即可泛化的跨模态分割...
To evaluate image synthesis, we investigated dependency of image synthesis accuracy on 1) the number of training data and 2) the gradient consistency loss. To demonstrate the applicability of our method, we also investigated a segmentation accuracy on synthesized images. 展开 ...
1) Framework of self-supervision guided optimization: We propose S2-Net, a general framework aims to make the detect-and-describe methods suitable for cross-modality image matching. To train the basic framework, relevant constraints for single modality images are proposed. However, the lack of str...
We develop a novel cross-modality generation framework that learns to generate predicted modalities from given modalities in MR images without real acquisition. Our proposed method performs image-to-image translation by means of a deep learning model that leverages co...
Image encoder 对于视觉特征的提取,本文使用了两种类型的特征。特别地,使用预训练的ResNet101来获得全局视觉特征。应用预先训练的基于RCNN的提取器来提供检测区域的自下而上的特征。 对于全局视觉特征,最终得到一个2048维的表示: 对于图像区域特征,使用自下而上的特征,其表示如下式所示: ...
Data Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation For Cross-modality Image Segmentation 深度无监督域自适应(UDA)旨在仅使用未标记的目标域数据和标记的源域数据来改善目标域上的深度神经网络模型的性能。作者为多域医学图像分割引入了一种新的数据有效的 UDA 方法。所提出的方法结合了新颖的基于 VAE 的特征优先匹配和...
对于image:利用modified ResNet-50 + FPN 提取双目images feature; 对于点云:利用pointnet++提取点云特征,同时增加分类分支以预测每个点的置信度;将3D anchor 投影到2D平面,得到2D anchor,建立3D-2D anchor pairs,进行分类和回归计算。 image and LiDAR backbone networks point-to-pixel fusion模块的做法: 在不同...