为了解决上述两种方法的缺陷,作者提出一个特定跨模态特征转换算法(cross-modality shared-specific feature transfer algorithm,cm-SSFT)。每个样本接受临近样本的模态特征,同时将自身的模态特征分享出去。方法的创新点如下图: Cross-Modality Shared-Specific Feature Transfer (1)框架: 定义:R:RGB modality;I:IR modalit...
同时为了减少特征冗余以及增强跨模态特征关联,在编解码器之间插入Refifinement Middleware, 通过cross-modality weighting refifinement (cmWR) unit 和self-modality Attention refifinement (smAR) unit。在分支设计方面,作者通过综合之前的方法,采用了一种新的分支结构设计j:即RGB分支,Depth分支以及由这两个分支渐进引...
Hierarchical Cross-modality Metric Learning 大体来说就是缩小两个modality同ID内各个图像之间的距离(缩小和平均向量之间的距离),缩小跨modality同ID各个图像之间的距离,增大跨modality不同ID各个图像之间的距离。 3--IJCAI18《Visible Thermal Person Re-Identification via Dual-Constrained Top-Ranking》 大体上和AAAI1...
Cross-modal inferenceSingle-cell multi-modalityProbabilistic couplingWeighted nearest neighborMultimodal measurements of single-cell sequencing technologies facilitate a comprehensive understanding of specific cellular and molecular mechanisms. However, simultaneous profiling of multiple modalities of single cells is ...
Cross-modality translations improve recognition by reducing false alarmspresentationmodalitypresentationbetween-subjectstranslationdistinctivenessConway and Gathercole [(1990). Writing and long-term memory: Evidence for a "translation" hypothesis. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42, 513-527] ...
To fully exploit the different modalities, we present a simple yet effective cross-modality feature fusion approach, named Cross-Modality Fusion Transformer (CFT) in this paper. Unlike prior CNNs-based works, guided by the transformer scheme, our network learns long-range dependencies and integrates...
Cross-modality priming between odors and odor-congruent words.Studies the cross-modality priming between olfaction and vision using a modified Stroop paradigm as a test. Explanation for Stroop interference; Indications that the effect induced by odors is most likely responsible for medicating cross-...
【论文泛读】Joint Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis Based on Cross-Modality Attention Mechanism 1.介绍 联合视觉文本情感分析具有挑战性,因为图像和文本可能会传递不一致的情感。图 1 显示了从 Flickr1 和 Getty2 抓取的图像文本对的几个示例。在示例(a)中,文本带有积极的情绪,而相应的图像是中性的;...
However, the number of atlases with the same modality may be limited or even missing in many clinical applications. Besides, conventional MAS methods suffer from the computational burden of registration or label fusion procedures. In this work, we design a novel cross-modality MAS framework, which...
2D 分割损失为binary cross entropy loss,3D 分割损失为 focal loss: 对于回归部分:对于3D anchor,计算其中心偏移量、预定义尺寸偏移和角度;对于2D anchor,计算其中心偏移量和预定义尺寸偏移。对回归后3D anchor和2D anchor,将回归的3D anchor投影到2D image上生成新的2D anchor,reprojection loss即回归的2D anchor...