在地震学中,常常需要比较两列波的相似程度(重复地震探测常用),或两列波拟合程度(反演常用)。 要定量刻画这一需求,就需要计算两列波的互相关系数(Cross-Correlation, 简写为:CC)。 计算互相关系数的软件,代码很多,在此记录一下怎样用matlab自带函数xcorr来达到此目的,怕以后忘了。 接下来,本文首先说明一下相关的...
\hat R_{TB}(m)=\left\{ \begin{aligned} \sum_{t=0}^{len(SIG)-m-1} T(t+m)B^*(n) & & , m \ge 0, \\ \hat R_{BT}^*(-m) & & , m < 0. \\ \end{aligned} \right.\\ Matlab中提供了xcorr这个函数可以让我们非常方便的求得两个信号的互相关函数,基本使用方法是 [r,lags...
The horizontal axis of the cross-correlation plot denote shifts, while the vertical axis denotes the output of the cross-correlation at each shift. Let's compute the cross-correlation by hand for the signal so we can better understand the output that MATLAB is giving us. To compute the outpu...
需要计算两个时间序列数据的交叉相关系数(cross correlation),求助一份计算交叉相关系数的MATLAB代码,...
Compute the normalized autocorrelation sequence to lag 200. [xc,lags] = xcorr(X,200,'coeff'); The output, xc, is a gpuArray object. Use gather to transfer the data from the GPU to the MATLAB workspace as a double-precision vector. xc = gather(xc);...
Matlab中提供了xcorr这个函数可以让我们非常方便的求得两个信号的互相关函数,基本使用方法是 其中x和y就是输入的两路信号,r是他们的相关函数的函数值,lags是函数值对应的m值(就是之前说的滑动偏移值)。我们以图1的B和T两路信号为例,用以下方法实现信号对齐:如图2,我们得到了B和T的互相关系数随...
matlab中的参数都是以数组的形式存储的,标量可以看作是一维数组。我们采用序列x = [1, 3, 5]作为实验对象,经过xcorr()函数运算,分析结果: 1. xcorr() 此处)折叠或打开 1. >> x = [1 3 5] 2. 3. = 4. 5. 1 3 5 6. 7. >> [a,b] = xcorr(x) ...
Formula for cross-correlation in matlab팔로우 조회 수: 5 (최근 30일) Sagar 2016년 3월 9일 추천 0 링크 번역 답변: Sagar 2016년 3월 11일 채택된 답변: Sagar When we calculate cross correlation using the function 'xcorr' with 'coeff' ...
Rather than using a xcorr in MATLAB, she did the following. Apparently this seems to working. I would really appreciate if someone could explain, what is happening here. She is saying the pattern is symmetric by calculating the variable sym below, in the code below. close all hidden t = ...
Examples of Matlab xcorr Let us discuss examples of Matlab xcorr. Example #1 In this example, we will use the xcorr method to compute the cross-correlation between 2 vectors. The steps to be followed for this example are: Create a vector ‘a’ ...