11.Application of GIS in Urban Vertical Design:Road Longitudinal Section Design and Calculation of Earthwork VolumeGIS在城市竖向设计中的应用——道路纵断面设计与土方工程量计算 12.On Reconstruction Method of Old Rigid City Road Pavement;浅析城市道路旧刚性路面的改造方法 13.Study on the Compound Structure...
Due to the lack of a rigid cell wall (see Sect. “Extracellular matrix”), animal cells can have different types of rather plastic cellular protrusions. Common examples are microvilli and pseudopods. Microvilli are finger-shaped plasma membrane projections that primarily serve the purpose of cell ...
1.Computation of the Influence Lines for Lateral Load Distribution in Straight, Skew and Horizontal Curved Bridges Using Rigid-Diaphragm Method用刚性横梁法计算直交桥、斜交桥及平面弯桥的荷载横向分布影响线 2.Preliminary study of the influences on lateral-dimension distribution of reduced graphene oxide ...