Firstly, in order to reject high and low-frequency mixing and reduce the halo effect, we perform cross-modal image multi-scale decomposition. Secondly, in order to remove highlights, the visual saliency map and the deep feature map are combined with the illuminance fusion factor to perform high...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become prominent among various medical imaging techniques due to its safety and information abundance. They are broadly applied to clinical treatment for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. There are different modalities in MR images, each of which captures certain ...
使用合成和真实世界的 3D 数据集,我们进一步证明 Cross-MoST 能够实现高效的跨模态知识交换,从而使图像和点云模态都能从彼此丰富的表征中学习。 目的: 1)利用数据的多模态性来缓解昂贵注释的缺乏,2)生成更强大的伪标签以在 3D 点云上进行自训练,3)实现跨模态学习并促进图像和点云模态从彼此独特而丰富的表示中学...
【CVPR 2022 对抗攻击】Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks from Images to Videos 派大鑫 AI小学生8 人赞同了该文章 作者均来自复旦大学,论文链接:CVPR 2022 Open Access Repository 简介 最近的研究表明,在一个白盒模型上制作的对抗性示例可以用来攻击其他黑盒模型。这种跨模型可移植性使得执行黑盒攻击成为...
Accurate cardiac segmentation of multimodal images, e.g., magnetic resonance (MR), computed tomography (CT) images, plays a pivot role in auxiliary diagnoses, treatments and postoperative assessments of cardiovascular diseases. However, training a well-behaved segmentation model for the cross-modal car...
In this article, we introduce a novel cross-modal image-text retrieval network to establish the direct relationship between remote sensing images and their paired text data. Specifically, in our framework, we designed a semantic alignment module (SAM) to fully explore the latent correspondence ...
People can recognize scenes across many different modalities beyond natural images. In this paper, we investigate how to learn cross-modal scene representations that transfer across modalities. To study this problem, we introduce a new cross-modal scene dataset. While convolutional neural networks can...
The image-text retrieval task is then naturally formulated as cross-modal scene graph matching. Specifically, we design two particular scene graph encoders in our model for VSG and TSG, which can refine the representation of each node on the graph by aggregating neighborhood information. As a ...
Images supporting Language Models 侧重于将视觉元素整合到纯文本语言模型中。传统模型仅从文本上下文中假定...