![equation](公式1) 其中,y是期望输出,ŷ是模型的预测输出,n是类别的数量。 交叉熵损失函数的参数维度 交叉熵损失函数的参数维度取决于输入和期望输出的维度。下面将分别解释在多种情况下,交叉熵损失函数的参数维度。 1. 二分类任务 在二分类任务中,输出的维度为2。假设期望输出为[0,1],即属于类别1,这时...
通用的说,熵(Entropy)被用于描述一个系统中的不确定性(the uncertainty of a system)。在不同领域熵有不同的解释,比如热力学的定义和信息论也不大相同。要想明白交叉熵(Cross Entropy)的意义,可以从熵(Entropy) -> KL散度(Kullback-Leibler Divergence) -> 交叉熵这个顺序入手。当然,也有多种解释方法[1]...
In classification task, cross-entropy loss (交叉熵) is the most common loss function you will see to train such networks. Cross-entropy loss can be written in the equation below. For example, there is a 3-class CNN. The output (yy) from the last fully-connected layer is a(3×1)(3...
The cross-entropy loss function is used to find the optimal solution by adjusting the weights of a machine learning model during training. The objective is to minimize the error between the actual and predicted outcomes. A lower cross-entropy value indicates better performance. If you’re familiar...
交叉熵(Cross Entropy)用于衡量一个概率分布与另一个概率分布之间的距离。交叉熵是机器学习和深度学习中...
Let's explore cross-entropy functions in detail and discuss their applications in machine learning, particularly for classification issues.
The higher the probability assigned by the model to the true category, the lower the loss; conversely, if the probability is lower, the loss increases. The expression for cross-entropy loss is as follows equation (7):(7)H(y,y′)=−∑iyilog(yi′)where: y is the probability ...
Cross entropy minimization There is an important function in the neural network learning process that can affect the quality of the model, called the loss function. The focus of the loss function is to calculate the gap between the output value and the actual value; when the gap between the ...
0)函数的smooth化是LogSumExp函数。代入即可证明,上式的smooth化即为softmax with cross-entropy loss...