manufacturing industry Service companies, e.g. consulting firms, software companies Internet companies Assets Employee base Customer base Source: Roland Berger Partners * The value of the customer base is determined by the key factors individual customer value and size of the customer base Value of ...
manufacturing industry Service companies, . consulting firms, software companies Internet companies Assets Employee base Customer base Source: Roland Berger & Partners - 6 - The value of the customer base is determined by the key factors individual customer value and size of the customer base Value ...
CRM软件公司英文介绍ppt SixParts!123 CompanyHistoryLineofBusinessCompanyPerformance 4 56 ProductSpecification ProductFeatureAfter-saleService CompanyHistory •Logo:•••••••Established:inCanadaLocations:UK,Australia,HongKongPublicCompany:Toronto2002Revenue:$US16.9millionExperience:20years...
Industrystatisticsshowthat68%ofcustomerswalkawaybecauseIndustrystatisticsshowthat68%ofcustomerswalkawaybecause ofpoorcustomerservice.ofpoorcustomerservice. & Ogilvy& Mather 安全防范包括两个层面:损失预防和犯罪预防,从而达到公共安全的目的。损失预防是从事安全专业的部门的工作范畴,犯罪预防是警察执法部门的工作范畴。
20、chitecture 23SAS CRM Solution Architecture 24CRM Application Space25The SAS Solutions for CRMThe SAS Solution for Enterprise Marketing AutomationeCRM: The SAS Solution for eCRMAnalytical CRM Solutions by Industry26Why SAS?Proven experience through 25 years of providing insights into customer behavio...
(they take customers away from their competitors).,They can charge 10%more from their products and still take customers away.,They enjoy 12%vs 5、.1%average return on sales.,Industry statistics show that 68%of customers walk away because of poor customer service.,5,Evolution of CRM,Mass ...
CRM软件公司英文介绍.ppt,Company History Logo: Established: in Canada Locations: UK, Australia, HongKong Public Company: Toronto 2002 Revenue: $US 16.9 million Experience: 20 years Distributors: 250 Users: 2 million Line of Business Company Performance Co
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