Need to design hundreds of guides at once? Benchling's CRISPR tool eliminates tedious work by batching gRNA design and executing it up to 100x faster than leading competitor Save and export guide sequences Save your guides as oligos on Benchling, organize them using tags and folders, and clone...
The GenCRISPR gRNA Design Tools makes guide RNA and HDR template design easy – Simply select your experiment type to get started. Start Your Project KnockoutHDR Knock-in Note: Selecting HDR knock-in will enable HDR template design options ...
Stable guide RNA expression for cell types not amenable to transfection Custom guide RNA solutions CRISPR Design Tool Design and order custom guide RNA for any species, nuclease or cut site Custom guide RNA When you already know your guide RNA sequence and need to get it synthesizedGuide...
一般选择网页工具设计即可:张峰实验室),打开网页,选择网页工具--博德研究所 image.png 粘贴序列,选择化脓性链球菌(NGG)即Cas9,人类基因组 image.png 查看结果 image.png 对结果进行判断,选择合适的序列: image.png ![img] 小彩蛋 快捷方案:可以购买已经合成好的sgRNA+质...
The gRNA and tracrRNA can be provided separately as described above. Alternatively, you can design a single guide RNA, or sgRNA, which includes the gRNA sequence and tracrRNA sequence in one molecule. Step 2. DNA Repair In intact cells, DNA damage is immediately subject to repair, either un...
Dharmacon Edit-R CRISPR系列guide RNA是经验证的算法设计的,可实现高特异性的功能基因敲除,因此您可以对敲除结果充满信心。 适应多种工作流程的灵活性 DNA-free体系:合成sgRNA或crRNA: tracrRNA,搭配Cas9蛋白或mRNA Lentiviral sgRNA:慢病毒质粒载体形式,更适合无法化转/电转的难转染细胞 ...
Powerful software designed for CRISPR makes it quick and easy to find sites, design guide RNAs and analyze your editing results
Zhu LJ. Overview of guide RNA design tools for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. Front Biol. 2015;10(4):289-96.Zhu LJ. Overview of guide RNA design tools for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology. Front Biol (Beijing). 2015;10:289-96. 1007/s11515-015-1366-...
CRISPR基因编辑技术在生物医学等领域有着很多应用,从治疗遗传疾病、癌症,到农业育种、核酸检测等等。CRISPR基因编辑依赖于其两种组分,向导RNA(guide RNA,gRNA)负责识别和靶向目标位点,Cas酶负责对目标位点的切割。CRISPR-Cas9是应用最为广泛的CRISPR系统,但越来越多研究显示,其对DNA的直接切割具有潜在风险。
在CRISPR-Cas9 系统中,Cas9 核酸内切酶需要与一段长度约为 100 核苷酸的 Guide RNA(gRNA)的形成复合物,并在 gRNA 与目标序列结合的引导才能进行基因编辑。 要高效、准确地使用「魔剪」进行基因编辑,最首要的任务就是设计一个出色的 gRNA。 图片来源:Nature Methods ...