Therefore, the combination of 30 μg/kg DEX given at 12.00 h followed by pituitary-adrenal system stimulation with 50 ng/kg CRH at 20.00 h was defined as the standard DEX/CRH test procedure and was then used in young (3-6 months) and aged male Wistar rats (20-24 months). After DEX...
In depressed patients, however, the same procedure enhances hormonal responses to CRH, resulting in higher sensitivity of the DEX/CRH test to major depression by up to 80% (Heuser et al, 1994b). Furthermore, the DEX/CRH test was shown to be more closely associated with the activity of ...
293 cells; Mor-Ens: 199 CRH+from 244 cells, five mice per group. Mann-WhitneyUtest,U= 0,P= 0.008.hSchematic representation ofAAV-RAM-tTA-TRE-EGFPvector.iSchematic representation of the IPSC recordings from the Mor-Ens or Sal-Ens. Right: the expression of CRHhChR2-mCherryterminals and ...
There are especially no well documented results of the use of the CRH-stimulation test in vivo in this group of patients with Cushing's syndrome. On the other hand, in the documented cases, not only CRH-, but also ACTH-production was found in the tumours. So far, this rare cause of ...
Behavioral test Fear Conditioning System 46103 from Noldus/Ugo Basile was used to perform the trace cued and contextual test. The fear conditioning procedure was conducted over 3 days. During the first day (training day), the animals were placed in a unique context (25 × 17 × 17...
To test this idea, we assessed the effects of CRH photostimulation in two widely used behavioural tests, the open field and the novel object recognition. In the open field, the CRHChR2 mice spent less time in the centre of the open field during the 5-min photostimulation period (Fig. 7...
Until the first procedure mice were group-housed, then single-housed on a 12:12 h light/dark schedule (lights on at 07:00 hours) with ad libitum access to food and water. Injection and implantation In a stereotaxic apparatus under isoflurane anaesthesia, glass capillaries were lowered into ...