Large vessel occlusive disease associated with CREST syndrome and scleroderma. Ann Rheum Dis. 1993; 52 :464–466. doi: 10.1136/ard.52.6.464. [ Cross Ref ]Yousef P, Englert H and Bertouch J (1993): Large vessel occlusive disease associated with CREST syndrome and scleroderma. Ann Rheum Dis...
sclerodermapulmonary hypertensionnifedipineA patient with severe pulmonary hypertension secondary to the CREST syndrome variant of scleroderma is described. Acute reductions in both pulmonary artery pressure and total pulmonary resistance were seen with nifedipine and oxygen administration. Reductions in ...
Question: What is scleroderma CREST syndrome? Genetic Disorder: Genetics often have a role in the healthiness and wellness of a person's body. Scleroderma is one disorder that might be influenced by genetics, along with a person's gender, age, and race. ...
1. Myasthenia gravis associated with limited scleroderma (CREST syndrome) (letter) [J] . Kambara C, Kinoshita I, Amenomori T, Journal of neurology . 2000,第1期 机译:重症肌无力伴有局限性硬皮病(CREST综合征)(字母) 2. Osteonecrosis of Multiple Joints in a Patient With Limited Scleroderma/...
People at average risk for colorectal cancer (asymptomatic, age greater than or equal to years, no risk factors) are offered fecal occult blood testing each year and sigmoidoscopy every five years. In case of a positive fecal occult blood test, examination of the whole colon by colonoscopy ...
Pulmonary function in progressive systemic sclerosis: comparison of CREST syn- drome variant with diffuse scleroderma. Chest 1983; 84: 546- 50G. R. Owens, G. J. Fino, and D. L. Herbert, "Pulmonary function in progressive systemic sclerosis. Comparison of CREST syndrome variant with diffuse ...
Haaf T, Summer AT, Kohler J, Willard HF, and Schmld M, 1992 A microchromosome derived from chromo- some 11 In a patient with the CREST syndrome of scleroderma Cytogenet Cell Genet 60 12-17Haaf T, Summer AT, Kohler J, Willard HF, Schmid M. A microchromosome derived from chromosome ...
Bronchiectasis in crest syndrome: pathophysiological relationship with scleroderma and therapeutic implications. (English).Bronchiectasis is an uncommon lung feature of systemic sclerosis. We report the case of a 70 year-old woman suffering from Crest syndrome and vasculitis who developed plurifocal and ...
FRI0432 Limited Scleroderma (Crest Syndrome) is Associated with Worse Xerostomia and Xerophthalmia in Patients Being Evaluated for Primary Sjogren蒺s Syndrome. Ann Rheum Dis 2015; 74 ( Suppl 2) :583-584Li Y, Bookman AM. FRI0432 limited seleroderma ( crest syndrome ) is associated with worse...
Pulsed vs. CW Low Level Light Therapy on Osteoarticular Signs and Symptoms in Limited Scleroderma (CREST Syndrome)limited cutaneous systemic sclerosislow level light therapyCREST syndrometransforming growth factor betapulse structurecontinuous wave mode...