(materials science) An increase in strain with time; the gradual flow or deformation of a material under stress. Steal A handle; a stale, or stele. And in his hand a huge poleax did bear.Whose steale was iron-studded but not long. Creep (geology) The imperceptible downslope movement of...
Evidence of imperfectly elastic behaviour in the earth and planets is provided by the following phenomena: 1. (1) damping of the earth's free nutation; 2. (2) damping of elastic waves passing through the earth; 3. (3)secular acceleration of the moon; 4. (4) figure of the moon; 5...
BagheriMeghdadMousaviNezhadMohaddesehSivasithamparamNallathamby.Elsevier BVGeotextiles & GeomembranesRezania, M., Bagheri, M., Nezhad, M.M., Sivasithamparam, N., 2017. Creep analysis of an earth embankment on soft soil deposit with and without PVD improvement. Geotext. Geomembranes 45 (5),...
Earth, Planets and Space (2024) Quantifying the expansion rates of aftershock zones for magnitude-7 class earthquakes around the Japanese archipelago Yuta Mitsui Yuya Utagawa Ayaka Miyamoto Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2024) Aftershocks following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake driven by ...
© Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, General Terms & Conditions 沪ICP备13017623号 Not logged in Unaffiliated Springer for Research & Development The definition for a creep-brittle material is considered in the light...
Our central objective is to determine the effects of energy-flux on the frictional sliding of experimental faults (Methods). Controlling the energy-flux in experiments is difficult and a simple solution is to control the energy-dissipation-rate on the fault that by definition equals the energy-flu...
(Raj 1982), or pressure solution (e.g. Rutter 1983), and is of well known interest both in materials science (see Lange et al . 1980, Raj & Chyung 1981, Raj 1982) and in the Earth sciences (see Robin 1978, Rutter & Mainprice 1978, Rutter 1983, Green 1984, Urai et al . 1986...
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