(1.3) does not have a physical meaning although it is convenient for mathematical treatment of creep over a wide range of stress. Show moreView chapterExplore book Ice: Mechanical Properties E.M. Schulson, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001 5 Creep Ice can exhibit ...
Journal of Materials Science . 2000Boitier G , Vicens J , Chermant J L . Understanding the creep behavior of a 2. 5D Cf2SiC comp osite Ⅰ: morp hology and microstructure of the as2received material [J ] . Materi als Science a nd Engi neeri ng , 2000 ,279 (1/ 2) :73280....
George F.Hall, inDevelopments in Soil Science, 1983 Shoulder Convexity of slope is the rule for shoulder positions. Surface runoff is maximized in this element resulting in a highly erosional and relatively unstable surface. Depending on the degree of slope, lateral movement of surface material (...
The creep equation that results from the analysis iscreep rate=Aσ3sinh(Bσ1.5/kT)exp(Q/kT), whereAandBare constants, σ is the stress,Qis the activation energy of creep andkThas its usual meaning. This equation is quite similar to one previously proposed. 关键词: CiteSeerX citations ...
(which attains to structural properties) cannot be transposed to the strain field (which attains to material properties) through a mere scale factor. In this context, also creep takes on a different meaning, in the sense that time-dependence is an effect observed in the displacement field that...
Decreasing the stress acting on a specimen causes not only an increase in the time-to-rupture τ but also a reduction in the scatter of τ . This is an important factor in defining the meaning of the safe and, particularly, conventionally safe stress. Formulas were derived which enable us ...
Additionally, an interesting approach has been made to find the physical meaning of the new cavity nucleation factor ( P '). According to this study, it is suggested that the new cavity nucleation factor, which is regarded as a material specific constant, is found to be strongly related to ...
Usually, IDC (power-law) creep is dominant in the high-temperature intermediate-stress region. As the stress increases, the exponential stress-dependence of creep rate is manifested, which is called power-law breakdown, meaning that deformation enters into the IDG region. Full discussions of ...
Analytical solutions to this problem are complicated by the moving contact edges between the punch and the disk in addition to the non-linear friction effects. To simplify the analysis, some assumptions were made. The material is assumed to be isotropic, and the punch head is assumed to be ...
To evaluate this approach, it is helpful to distinguish between local or material failures, and structural failures. Fatigue and fracture can be termed material failure modes, meaning that, for practical purposes, the stress analysis can ignore the failure, which is a crack or defect. This is ...