CGD15HB62P1 【EVAL MODULE 1200V SIC MOSFET】 开发板/开发套装 深圳市福田区日源盛电子商行11年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 12 共2页到页 cree碳化硅价格信息不够给力?没有找到优质cree碳化硅批发/采购信息?马上发布询价单 阿里巴巴为您找到114条cree碳化硅产品的详细参数,实时报价,价格行情,优质...
High Performance Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET Applications Cree: the world's largest pure play WBG company 25 Years of SiC and GaN wide bandgap wafer, epi and device experience. Founded in 1987 •Public since 1993 (Nasdaq: CREE) •Headquartered in Durham, NC •Strong patent portfolio—848...
供应银茂微和CREE 碳化硅SIC MOS模块 价格:450元/个 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:整流模块,晶闸管模块,AC-DC风扇,法拉薄膜电容 供应商:深圳市希美科电子有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:何先生 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 2094-BC04-M03-S贵州罗克韦... ...
Cree acquires SiC power module firm APEI Cree Inc of Durham, NC, USA, which makes silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) power and RF products as well as LEDs, has acquired Arkansas Power Electronics International Inc (APEI) of Fayetteville, AR, USA, a provider of power modules ...
碳化硅SIC SBD WS3A020120K 1200V 20A 整流二极管 TO-247-3L WS3A020120K 9956 中电基 TO-247-3L 2024+ ¥21.0000元1~499 PCS ¥18.5000元500~-- PCS 深圳源芯半导体有限公司 3年 -- 立即订购 查看电话 QQ联系 BAT54-TP 肖特基二极管 MCC/美微科 整流二极管 碳化硅 SOT-23 ...
CREE Sic Power Products Cree Z-FET™ Silicon Carbide MOSFET and Z-Rec™ Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes Cree is the world’s leading manufacturer of silicon-carbide Schottky diodes and MOSFETs for efficient power energy conversion. These devices provide increased efficiency, higher switching frequenc...
The CREE 1200V/50A, 25m惟 6-Pack SiC MOSFET module (CCS050M12CM2) is decomposed into a full 3D CAD model, and materials identified, for use in electrical circuit and multiphysics simulations. A reverse engineering technique is first developed, outlined, and then demonstrated on...
Wolfspeed not only provides standard modules, but also serves as a SiC module technology partner for power system designers. As engineers design increasingly SiC-centric systems, Wolfspeed supports these efforts by creating customized solutions that are easily scalable to fit customers’ needs. More.....
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