Always pay on time.To build your credit, you must have a credit card and always pay on time. Your ultimate goal should be to get over a 700 credit score by the time you graduate college, and a 800 credit score by the time you are looking to buy a house in order to get the lowes...
Increase in the number of students who are relying on credit cards to finish a college degree; CardTrak's release of the results of its study on bank credit and payment cards.Gerrie, SharonLas Vegas Busine...
6 Credit Card Rules for College Students If you're able to build a good credit history before you graduate, you'll be in an enviable position when you start your career. You won't have to worry about getting a co-signer to rent an apartment. You might even save money on the securit...
Sometimes, when you graduate, your card issuer could reclassify your account so it's no longer tagged as a student account. But your card will still continue to work. In a lot of cases, your card issuer will roll your account into the non-student version of your student card. For exampl...
Building good credit takes time andresponsible use. So for many students, it makes sense to start early. Choosing a card and learning how to be a responsible cardholder can serve you well after you graduate and set out into the world. ...
After you graduate, Discover will reclassify your card so that it is no longer a student credit card. If you have a student card from a different issuer and an on-time payment history, you can ask for acard upgrade. You could also ask for a transfer to a product better suited to your...
The American express prepaid card is one of the best options, according to Hardekopf, because it has fewer fees than most. The bottom line for college students and their parents: Be very cautious before you graduate to a full-fledged credit card. ...
1. Choose the right card for you When you’re shopping for a credit card—whether you’re in college or not—it’s important to find the right card for your needs. You can start by comparing cards and learning about their terms, fees, interest rates and more. And if it feels overwhel...
Does that mean you’ll leave behind your student credit card as well? You may be able to keep some of the benefits you have with your student card after you graduate. For example, with Discover your student credit card remains unchanged after graduation. The terms, conditions, and account ...
Even if you can’t qualify for a premium Chase card right now, you can always save your points instead of redeeming them immediately, and once you graduate college and have your first job, upgrade to a higher-end Chase credit card and redeem them then. Your points won’t ...