There's no real reason toclose a credit cardunless it has an annual fee that's not worth the expense. Usually, college student credit cards don't come with annual fee. One of the major reasons to open a student card in the first place is that it's good to start building credit as ...
Agood credit scoreis the key to achieving many of the milestones you'll encounter post-college. Having a healthy credit profile makes it easier to rent an apartment, save money on car insurance, qualify for the best credit cards and the best ratesif/when you refinance your student loans. I...
Credit cards: Top 5 cards for gradsEquifax
000 - certainly a pretty penny. For many students, borrowing is the only way to pay for college. Student loans can make perfect sense; college grads earn more than those without degrees. But it's crucial that if you do borrow, you do so wisely and responsibly...
Find the perfect credit card here, the most comprehensive source for unbiased, trustworthy, and lab tested credit card reviews, including cards for students, first-time users, travelers, people with bad credit, and cards to help you save money.
College campuses used to full of credit card companies offering free T-shirts and other giveaways to students who applied for their cards. No income was required, so anyone over 18 could easily get a credit card. That changed with the Credit CARD Act of 2009, which requires proof of indepe...
“We were recent college grads, so we didn’t have much money to travel," says Justin, now a director of a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. “We started learning everything we could about how to maximize credit card points and miles so we could afford to go to more places for l...
And while we advocate for the responsible use of credit cards, having to depend on them for financial security isn’t something anyone should have to worry about. Thankfully,Handshakeoffers an innovative platform that helps connect college students and recent graduates with job opportunities. More ...
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10 Best Cities for Recent College Grads. Using data complied for multiple sources, we’ve created this list of the. March 26th, 2018. The 5 Best S&P 500 Index Funds (and the Worst One). Not all index funds are created equal. Here is a list of. Is the 50... ...