Best Balance Transfer Cards Best Aeroplan Cards Best Metal Cards Beginner’s guide to credit cards in Canada A credit card is part of daily life for many Canadians. Using your card to pay for purchases can be more convenient than using cash. Plus, with the best credit cards, you can manag...
Instead of offering a welcome bonus, this card allows you to perform a balance transfer with an introductory interest rate of 0% for 12 months. Once the promotional period ends, you’ll pay the regular interest rate. There is a balance transfer fee of 3%, but the savings can be worth it...
Balance transfer credit card Some low-interest credit cards have balance transfer promotions. These promotions offer discounted rates on balances transferred from another credit card, sometimes as low as 0%. But the rock-bottom rates of a balance transfer credit card don’t last forever — the ca...
You're on B M O Canada website Language Selector ENEnglish Bank Accounts Credit Cards Mortgages Loans Investing Insurance Offers & Programs Navigation skipped If you usually carry a balance on your credit card or want to pay off a large balance on another card, a low interest credit card co...
Best balance transfer credit card: Citi Simplicity® Card Best for dining: American Express® Gold Card Best no annual fee credit card: Citi Double Cash® Card Best cash-back credit card: Chase Freedom Unlimited® Best no annual fee travel credit card: Discover it® Miles Best for air...
it to your Scotiabank Value Visa Card. If you were to focus on debt repayment during the promotional period, you would greatly reduce how much interest you’re paying. You won’t get any other benefits with the card, but the balance transfer alone is worth it for the low interest rates....
The Amex Black Card Compare the most prestigious credit cards in Canada What is the most expensive credit card in Canada? What's the most prestigious credit card in the world? Features of the most prestigious credit cards in Canada Downsides of the most prestigious credit cards Eligibility ...
Another important thing to keep in mind is that banks typically do not offer cash back on balance transfers, cash advances, interest charges, and more similar transactions. What are the advantages of having a cash back credit card? If you’re looking for a new credit card, you might be ...
If you’re not using the best free cashback credit cards in Canada, then you’re missing out on free money! We published our no-fee cashback credit card list back in 2007 and we’ve been updating it regularly ever since, so you always know which no-fee cashback cards to consider. We...
Fast Card fee4 $20.00 Credit Balance Administration fee5 The lesser of $25.00 or the amount of credit balance. ABM fees Current ABM fees Cash advance ABM fee (any Scotiabank ABM in Canada) $5.00 Cash advance ABM fee (non-Scotiabank ABMs in Canada) $5.00 Cash advance ABM fee (ABMs ou...