Q promises provide a fail shorthand for then when you are only interested in handling the error:var outputPromise = getInputPromise() .fail(function (error) { });If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using CoffeeScript, you may use catch instead of fail....
Creating a JavaScript promise from scratch, Part 4: Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() Promises created with Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject() go through a different process than when created with a constructor. Posted at October 13, 2020 by Nicholas C. Zakas Tags: JavaScript, ...
Promise.race() and Promise.any() work on any number of promises to allow you to know when certain ones have resolved
Q promises provide a fail shorthand for then when you are only interested in handling the error:var outputPromise = getInputPromise() .fail(function (error) { });If you are writing JavaScript for modern engines only or using CoffeeScript, you may use catch instead of fail....
so I created a service to handle this and return a promise object. Once the object is resolved, I trigger the$rootscope.emitevent and listen for it using$onon the respective tabs. Since the data on tab1, tab2, and tab3 is dependent on the service data, I wait for the event to be...
} args.setPromise(WinJS.UI.processAll()); } }; Add button event handlersThe code in this step defines the event handlers for the start and stop buttons. During the event handler for the start button, the code creates an instance of the PlayToReceiver class that is the Play To receiver...
therunInstancesmethod of the AWS.EC2 client class, including the name of the key pair to assign and the ID of the AMI to run. To call therunInstancesmethod, create a promise for invoking an Amazon EC2 service object, passing the parameters. Then handle the response in the promise callback...
Creating Nested Objects in JavaScript using Java Objects Solution 1: If you don't want to create a, Java class to map the attributes as @Migwel suggested and want to use java.util.Map, style errors in your code, but the worst is your complete disregard of the Java, We don't need ...
In JavaScript, use theAPI to implement lazy loading for images with overlays. This approach delays the loading of complex overlayed images until they are about to enter the viewport, improving initial page load times and reducing the number of simultaneous image requests. ...
This walkthrough shows how you can use the .NET Framework with Visual Basic or C# to create your own Windows Runtime types, packaged in a Windows Runtime component, and how to call the component from your Windows 8.x Store app built for Windows using JavaScript....