1.返回无序数组 1const ajax1 = () =>newPromise((res, rej) =>{2setTimeout(() => res(1), 1000)3})4const ajax2 = () =>newPromise((res, rej) =>{5setTimeout(() => res(3), 3000)6})7const ajax3 = () =>newPromise((res, rej) =>{8setTimeout(() => res(2), 2000...
//手写实现promise,promiseAll,promiseRacefunctionmyPromise(excutor){this.status = 'pending'//初始状态this.value =null//存储传入的参数值this.onResolveCallbacks = []//成功回调的任务对列this.onRejectCallbacks = []//失败回调的任务队列const resolve= (val) => {//resolve函数this.status = 'fulfilled...
Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled in JavaScriptI was reading the MDN docs on JavaScript promises and thought the difference between Promise.all and Promise.allSettled was interesting and slightly nuanced, and would be fun to discuss.About Promises...
1、Promise.all() Promise.all()方法接收一个Promise实例的数组作为参数,当数组中的所有Promise对象都成功地完成(fulfilled)时,它会返回一个新的Promise对象,这个新的Promise对象的结果是所有成功完成的Promise对象的结果组成的数组,如果数组中的任何一个Promise对象被拒绝(rejected),那么Promise.all()会立即返回一个被...
JavaScript This tutorial will teach you how to use promises to wait in JavaScript. In this tutorial, I will teach you about the Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() methods and how you can use them to work with multiple promises. Using the Promise.all() Method The Promise object has...
Promise.all的能力如下:当所有传入的 promise 都变为成功状态(fulfilled),Promise.all返回的 promise ...
例如: export class ThisScope { txt:string = "hello this scope" cf1 () { return...