Creating a Flask application in PyCharm Create a basic Flask project as described in Creating a Flask Project to start prototyping the application. Select Flask in the New Project dialog. In the Location field, provide the path to the project location and type meteoMaster as the project nam...
This is a webapp which utilises the EdenAI-API for image Generation and Flask for creating the web application - Nun-Thee-Knee/ImageGenerator
This guide will use Stadia Maps free tier plan and hosted vector map tiles to create a GIS web app using Flask. Your Flask application will use a MongoDB database to store GeoJSON data to display as markers on your Stadia Map powered map. GeoJson is a format for encoding a variety of...
Clone the application $ git clone Install the dependencies $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt Start the enviroment $ source venv/bin/activate Start the server $ python3 attention: if you want to deploy it, turn off the debug...
One particular challenge I'm facing is with the redirect URI in the OAuth process. It seems that it needs to be a valid domain, and I'm unsure if using a local server address like https://localhost:5000 would work. My goal is to create a basic Flask application that can interact with...
A Python application using the Flask package for headless web deployment. Docker Containers for code and environment isolation, stored in a private registry so that the entire company can re-use the application Containers in future projects, saving time and money. ...
Not to be missed though, is scalability. As the application grows, we can add more microservices to accomplish new tasks, without needing to dramatically impact other services. This also allows different developers to work on different parts. If you’re like me, you love Python and Flask but...
Now we need to update our Flask response format to follow that structure. A quick reminder,full code is on Github, no need to reconstruct it from these exerpts. We’re not storing the messages sent to us via/reflectyet, so for now we’ll randomly generate fake messages for rendering: ...
My flask application is inside backend. My issue is that every time I right-click/Run-Debug my file it creates a new default Run/Debug Configuration instead of using any of the ones I made. Obviously I can select and execute specifically the one I want, but I was ...
No longer do you need to create two sockets to make your application IPv4 & IPv6 aware :).Windows Vista and Windows Server Longhorn includes a new TCP/IP stack which includes common TCP & UDP layers on top of the IPv4 and IPv6 layers. This new architecture has made it possi...