CREATING A FLASK APP Create two endpoints one with the homepage and the other which serves the json format containing the urls of the image generated. Create the templates folder and design the web app according to your wish and will. Use the fetch method in the javascript and write the ...
Flask_RESTAPI Creating a Flaks REST API to learn new concepts about it This is a simple API that you can do a full CRUD of name,views and likes for video Routes for the API GET method, /videos/int:videoid , get the data of video if exists PUT method, /videos/int:videoid , wit...
This guide will use Stadia Maps free tier plan and hosted vector map tiles to create a GIS web app using Flask. Your Flask application will use a MongoDB database to store GeoJSON data to display as markers on your Stadia Map powered map. GeoJson is a format for encoding a variety of...
Putting all of this together, a full response would look like: { "blocks": [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "This is *sort of* Markdown" } }, { "type": "divider" } ] } Now we need to update our Flask response format to follow that structure...
This fragment also utilizes a Jinjia2 template to process the input data and pass it to the Python code that performs a commit to the database. Add one more code fragment to the file that creates a Flask view for the edit page, processes input data, and updates the database: ...
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] ='sqlite:///flaskdatabase.db'app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] =FalseCORS(app) db.init_app(app)returnapp Explanation: Here we have created a function calledcreate_app(), which basically initializes our application and database at the same ti...
Creating a RESTful API: FlaskIn this chapter, I will show you how to build a small project in Python. You will use all the knowledge about the software development process you have learned so far from the previous chapters. Part...doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-6622-9_7Nico Loubser...
The figure below shows a flask which we will use as goal to help us have a reason to play with CATIA today. This flask has nothing but basic rounded shape, and it should be an easy to do work for any beginners looking to learn how to master 3D technique in CATIA. ...
Test your new mobile app on your phone Here is the fourth part of my journey (also known as "How-to create a simple mobile app for newbies"): Part I: Make sure your phone can access SAP Gateway Part II: Create your first service with SAP Gateway Part III: Develop your mobile app ...
With streamlit you can easily deploy your models and you don’t need to have knowledge of Flask. With this, you can easily create a website with python in a few lines of code. As well you don’t need to have front-end knowledge like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ...