Creating a modular web app with blueprintsA blueprint is a concept in Flask that helps make large applications really modular. This keeps application dispatching simple by providing a central place to register all components in an application. A blueprint looks like an application object but is ...
Flask_RESTAPI Creating a Flaks REST API to learn new concepts about it This is a simple API that you can do a full CRUD of name,views and likes for video Routes for the API GET method, /videos/int:videoid , get the data of video if exists PUT method, /videos/int:videoid , wit...
You can create an SQLite database from Python code as below. The program below creates a SQLite database ‘students.db ‘ where the student tables are created, this should be created in a or similar file, separate to your flask app.import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect('...
from flask import render_template @app.route('/hello/') @app.route('/hello/<name>') def hello(name=None): return render_template('hello.html', person=name) To render a template you can use the render_template() method. All you have to do is provide the name of the template and ...
This fragment also utilizes a Jinjia2 template to process the input data and pass it to the Python code that performs a commit to the database. Add one more code fragment to the file that creates a Flask view for the edit page, processes input data, and updates the database: ...
Putting all of this together, a full response would look like: { "blocks": [ { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "This is *sort of* Markdown" } }, { "type": "divider" } ] } Now we need to update our Flask response format to follow that structure...
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] ='sqlite:///flaskdatabase.db'app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] =FalseCORS(app) db.init_app(app)returnapp Explanation: Here we have created a function calledcreate_app(), which basically initializes our application and database at the same ti...
In our previous recipe, we created a simple product model, which had a couple of fields. In practice, however, the applications are much more complex and have various relationships among their tables. These relationships can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many. In...
Creating a RESTful API: FlaskIn this chapter, I will show you how to build a small project in Python. You will use all the knowledge about the software development process you have learned so far from the previous chapters. Part...doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-6622-9_7Nico Loubser...
Image("flask-dockerimage", image_name=app_ecr_repo.repository_url, build="./frontend", skip_push=False, registry=app_registry ) Copy A task definition is created for the frontend; this time, using the flask image that we built. The redis endpoint is passed in as a group of ...