ros createtimer 参数ros createtimer 参数 摘要: 一、引言 二、ros createtimer 参数介绍 1.功能介绍 2.参数详解 2.1 period 2.2 target_system 2.3 target_link 2.4 message_type 2.5 publishers 2.6 topics 2.7 rate 2.8 timeout 三、参数应用实例 四、总结 正文: 一、引言 本文将详细介绍ROS 中创建定时器...
update_timer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1. / 50), boost::bind(&Node::timer_callback, this, _1)); actionserver.start(); set_disabled_service = private_nh.advertiseService<SetDisabledRequest, SetDisabledResponse>( "set_disabled", boost::bind(&Node::set_disabled, this, _1,...
n.createWallTimer(ros::WallDuration(5.0), &NavGraphRosRetriever::cb_sub_init_timer,this); } 开发者ID:timn,项目名称:ros-rcll_fawkes_sim,代码行数:25,代码来源:fawkes_navgraph_retriever.cpp SubscriberTest() {// Setup a one-shot timer to initialize the node after a brief// delay so that ...
= OPROS_SUCCESS) return nullptr; if (periodicTime > 0 && !CreateTimerQueueTimer(&mhTimer, nullptr, &TimerCallback, this, periodicTime, periodicTime, WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD)) { return nullptr; } return mpComponent; } Example #20 0 Show file File: winTimer.cpp Project: burstas/...