III- 索引表(Associative Array) TYPE population_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY VARCHAR2 ( 64 ); 1. 2. -- 下标是 varchar2 ,值是 number 的数组 特征:可使用不连续数字、负数、字符作为下标,长度大小可变 在创建数组时便分配内存,无需之后申请 index by 只能跟BINARY_INTEGER、PLS_INTEGER、VARCHAR2...
lightdb@postgres=# create index idx_tab_for_tbs on tab_for_tbs(id) tablespace tab_tbs; CREATE INDEX 1. 2. 需要注意的是,在lightdb-x分布式版本中,表空间属性不支持透传到DN节点。索引不能声明tablespace xxx子句,如下: lightdb@postgres=# \dS+ tab_for_tbs_103402 Table "public.tab_for_tbs_103402...
postgres=# \d tab Table "public.tab" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ---+---+---+---+--- col | integer | | | Indexes: "idx" btree (col) INVALID 这种情况下推荐的恢复方法是删除该索引并且尝试再次执行 CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY(另一种可能性是用 REINDEX重建该索引。不过...
postgres=#createtabletbl (c1int, c2int)withoids;CREATETABLEpostgres=#createuniqueindexidx_tbl_oidontbl(oid);CREATEINDEXpostgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT164121postgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT164131postgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT164141postgres=...
By default, the owner is the role/user connected to the database when the CREATE TABLE command is run. We can check this in pgAdmin by right-clicking the table and selectingPropertiesfrom the menu: We can see below the owner is "postgres". ...
postgres=# 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATETABLEtable_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ... columnN datatype,PRIMARYKEY(oneormore columns ) ); 写法1: test=#createtablecompany(idintprimarykeynotnull, name textnotnull, ageintnotnull,address...
Here, we have a table named “details” in which we accessed on our Postgres shell. Suppose we want to create a “btree” index on one column. We can execute the following command: Our index is successfully created because we are dealing with a small table. ...
SQL的话,可以参考:withtas(selectschema_name,table_name,string_agg(column_name||' '||column_...
为什么?需要研究一下CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY的原理。 复现 1、创建测试表 postgres=#createtablea(idint);CREATETABLEpostgres=#createtableb(idint);CREATETABLE 2、会话1 postgres=# begin;BEGIN postgres=# copy a from stdin;Enter datatobe copied followedbyanewline. ...