We’ll show you how to create other index types. PostgreSQL CREATE INDEX statement example We’ll use the address table from the sample database for the demonstration: First, connect to the PostgreSQL dvdrental sample database using psql: psql -U postgres -d dvdrental Second, execute the ...
We’ll show you how to create other index types. PostgreSQL CREATE INDEX statement example We’ll use the address table from the sample database for the demonstration: First, connect to the PostgreSQL dvdrental sample database using psql: psql -U postgres -d dvdrental Second, execute the ...
WITH english_stem; CREATE INDEX idx_article_text ON articles USING gin(to_tsvector('english_custom', content)); 3. 使用PL/pgSQL优化查询 3.1 编写基本的查询函数 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION search_articles(search_query TEXT) RETURNS TABLE(id INT, title TEXT, content TEXT) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN ...
runoobdb=# CREATE TRIGGER example_trigger AFTER INSERT ON COMPANY FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE auditlogfunc();复制 auditlogfunc() 是 PostgreSQL 一个程序,其定义如下: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION auditlogfunc() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $example_table$ BEGIN INSERT INTO AUDIT(EMP_ID, ENTRY_DATE) VALUE...
《PostgreSQL 垃圾回收原理以及如何预防膨胀 - How to prevent object bloat in PostgreSQL》 《PostgreSQL nagios monitor script (archive, vacuum, age, conn, rollback, standby, lock, xact, seq, index…)》 《PostgreSQL Systemtap example : autovacuum_naptime & databases in cluster》...
c:\>psql exampledb < user.sql // 将user.sql文件导入到exampled数据库中 postgres=# \h select // 精细显示SQL命令中的select命令的使用方法 postgres=# \l // 显示所有数据库 postgres=# \dt // 显示当前数据库中的所有表 postgres=# \d [table_name] // 显示当前数据库的指定表的表结构 ...
CREATE INDEX btree_idx on test_idx USING BTREE (id); \d+ test_idx; 1. 2. Output: Explanation:In the above example, we have created an index on the id column in the test_idx table. We have also defined the name as btree_idx to the newly created index. ...
For example, you can do this to confirm whether the CREATE INDEX or REINDEX operation is active, or to check which phase the operation is in. Prerequisites: You must use PostgreSQL version 12 or later. To observe a CREATE INDEX or REINDEX operation: Use the built-in pg_stat_progress_...
-- numeric booster example + log(NumberOfVotes)*0.01 FROM movies WHERE search @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english','jedi') ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 10; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 对数函数用于平滑影响,而0.01因子使得提升与排名得分具有可比性。