適用於:Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime定義受控或 外部資料表,並選擇性地使用資料來源。語法{ { [CREATE OR] REPLACE TABLE | CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] } table_name [ table_specification ] [ USING data_source ] [ table_clauses ] [ AS query ] } table_specification ...
请注意,Azure Databricks 会用输入查询的数据覆盖基础数据源,确保创建的表包含与输入查询完全相同的数据。 示例 SQL复制 -- Creates a Delta table>CREATETABLEstudent (idINT,nameSTRING, ageINT);-- Use data from another table>CREATETABLEstudent_copyASSELECT*FROMstudent;-- Creates a CSV table from...
If USING is omitted, the default is DELTA. The following applies to: Databricks Runtime HIVE is supported to create a Hive SerDe table in Databricks Runtime. You can specify the Hive-specific file_format and row_format using the OPTIONS clause, which is a case-insensitive string map. The...
此语句使用 Hive 语法来匹配 CREATE TABLE [USING]。 首选CREATE TABLE [USING]。 CREATE TABLE LIKE 适用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 使用此语法,基于另一个表的定义而不是数据创建一个新表。 CREATE TABLE CLONE 适用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 可以对 Delta Lake 表使用表克隆来实现两...
CREATE TABLE CLONE 適用於: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 您可以使用 Delta Lake 資料表的複製功能來達成兩個主要目標: 建立一個完整且獨立的數據表複製,包括特定版本的數據表定義和數據。 這稱為DEEP CLONE。 為特定版本的初始數據製作引用原始數據表存儲的表格定義副本。 來源或新數據表上...
CREATE TABLE LIKE Applies to: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime Defines a table using the definition and metadata of an existing table. Delta Lakedoes supportCREATE TABLE LIKEinDatabricks SQLandDatabricks Runtime13.3 LTS and above. InDatabricks Runtime12.2 LTS and below, useCREATE TABLE AS....
IfUSINGis omitted, the default isDELTA. The following applies to:Databricks Runtime HIVEis supported to create a Hive SerDe table inDatabricks Runtime. You can specify the Hive-specificfile_formatandrow_formatusing theOPTIONSclause, which is a case-insensitive string map. Theoption_keysare: ...
-- Create or replace a sales table with a new schemaCREATEORREPLACETABLEsales(sale_idINT,amountFLOAT)USINGDELTA LOCATION'/mnt/delta/sales'; Il existe d'autres clauses pertinentes que vous pouvez utiliser avec la syntaxeCREATE TABLEdans Databricks pour gérer vos tableaux selon des exigences spé...
-- Create or replace a sales table with a new schemaCREATEORREPLACETABLEsales(sale_idINT,amountFLOAT)USINGDELTA LOCATION'/mnt/delta/sales'; Es gibt weitere relevante Klauseln, die du mit derCREATE TABLESyntax in Databricks verwenden kannst, um deine Tabellen nach bestimmten Anforderungen zu...
Creates a streaming table, a Delta table with extra support for streaming or incremental data processing.Streaming tables are only supported in Delta Live Tables and on Databricks SQL with Unity Catalog. Running this command on supported Databricks Runtime compute only parses the syntax. See ...