The certificate does not have a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, only the CN field = IP address of 10.142.xx.xx. This is a big problem because the browser verifies that the domain name or IP address bound to the SSL certificate in SAN field. Without this field, it is impossible t...
You can generate a self-signed certificate not only for a DNS hostname but also for an IP address. To do this, you need to use-TextExtensioninstead of the -DnsName parameter. For example: New-SelfSignedCertificate -TextExtension @("{text}IPAddress=
Next, uncomment the ServerName line and replace with your domain name or server IP address (whichever one you put as the common name in your certificate): ServerName Find the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile lines and change them to the directory ...
By default, TLS/SSL connections use port 443, so that should be your listen port. The server_name should be set to the server’s domain name or IP address that you used as the Common Name when generating your certificate. Next, use the ssl_certificate, ssl_certif...
创建安全套接字层 (SSL) 绑定。语法jscript# 复制 oWebAdmin.Get("SSLBinding").Create( IPAddress, Port, CertificateHash, StoreName ); vbs 复制 oWebAdmin.Get("SSLBinding").Create IPAddress, Port, CertificateHash, StoreName 参数设置展开...
You’ll be making some minor adjustments to the file. First set the normal things you’d want to adjust in a Virtual Host file (such asServerAdminemail address,ServerName, etc., and adjust theSSLdirectives to point to your certificate and key files). ...
{"EnableBgp":"true","LocalAsn":"45104","TunnelCidr":"","LocalBgpIp":""} RemoteCaCertificate string 否 创建单隧道模式的 IPsec-VPN 连接时支持配置该参数。 如果当前 VPN 网关实例为国密型 VPN 网关,您需要配置对端的 CA 证书。 对于国密型 VPN 网关,创建 IPsec 连接时...
Certificate Type:SelectSSL. Common Name:Enter the fully qualified domain name ( You may also enter the IP address. Subject AlternativeIf you are requesting a Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificate, enter any SANs that you want to include ...
Import-ExchangeCertificate-FileData([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('\\ex01-2019\Certs\Exoip.crt'))-PrivateKeyExportable:$true-Password(ConvertTo-SecureString-String'P@ssw0rd1'-AsPlainText-Force) Copy The Exchange certificate will show the statusValid. ...
The IP address of Load Balancer 2. Proxy Service: 1081 The secure port number Destination Address: The IP address of Load Balancer 2. Destination Service: 1082 The non-secure port number Destination Target: ChooseLocal Virtual Server. SSL Certificate: ...