Such names and descriptions help LLMs (large language models) interact effectively with the AI plugin. Parameter: Summary Summary information about the parameter. Parameter: Default value Default value of the parameter. in the Request section below the AI Plugin (preview) sections, select the input...
Such names and descriptions help LLMs (large language models) interact effectively with the AI plugin. Parameter: Summary Summary information about the parameter. Parameter: Default value Default value of the parameter. in the Request section below the AI Plugin (preview) sections, select the...
適用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 如果新的資料表會是,請使用此語法: 根據您提供的資料行定義。 衍生自現有儲存位置的資料。 衍生自查詢。 CREATE TABLE (Hive 格式) 適用于: Databricks Runtime 此語句會比對使用 Hive 語法的 CREATE TABLE [USING]。 CREATE TABLE [USING] 是慣...
SQL 복사 > CREATE TABLE test (c INT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE TBLPROPERTIES ('prop1' = 'value1', 'prop2' = 'value2'); > SHOW CREATE TABLE test; createtab_stmt --- CREATE TABLE `default`.`test` (`c` INT) USING text TBLPROPERTIES ...
This sample shows how to create two AKS-hosted chat applications that use OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit using Python and deploy them to an AKS environment built in Terraform. aks-openai-chainlit-terraformDeploy an OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit chat app in Azure Kubern...
- [dbgate/dbgate](https://github.com/dbgate/dbgate) - Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application - [ityouknow/spring-boot-examples](https://github.com/ityouknow/spring-boot-examples) - about learn...
QueryType EvaluateInstancesRequest EvaluateInstancesResponse EvaluatedAnnotation Overview EvaluatedAnnotationType EvaluatedAnnotationExplanation Event Overview LabelsEntry Type ExactMatchInput ExactMatchInstance ExactMatchMetricValue ExactMatchResults ExactMatchSpec Examples Overview ExampleGcsSource Ov...
DeleteSavedQueryRequest DeleteScheduleRequest DeleteSpecialistPoolRequest DeleteStudyRequest DeleteTensorboardExperimentRequest DeleteTensorboardRequest DeleteTensorboardRunRequest DeleteTensorboardTimeSeriesRequest DeleteTrainingPipelineRequest DeleteTrialRequest DeployIndexOperationMetadata DeployIndexReq...
This sample shows how to create two AKS-hosted chat applications that use OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit using Python and deploy them to an AKS...