from langchain.chains import create_sql_query_chain 2. 调用create_sql_query_chain函数 create_sql_query_chain函数用于创建一个链,该链能够将自然语言问题转换为SQL查询,并执行该查询以从数据库中检索信息。这个函数需要至少两个参数:一个是大语言模型(LLM)实例,另一个是数据库连接实例。 示例代码 以下是一...
2025-01-28 Jupybara: Operationalizing a Design Space for Actionable Data Analysis and Storytelling with LLMs Huichen Will Wang 2501.16661 null 2025-01-28 MCTS-SQL: An Effective Framework for Text-to-SQL with Monte Carlo Tree Search Shuozhi Yuan 2501.16607 null 2025-01-27 Mu...
適用于: Databricks SQL Databricks Runtime 如果新的資料表會是,請使用此語法: 根據您提供的資料行定義。 衍生自現有儲存位置的資料。 衍生自查詢。 CREATE TABLE (Hive 格式) 適用于: Databricks Runtime 此語句會比對使用 Hive 語法的 CREATE TABLE [USING]。 CREATE TABLE [USING] 是慣...
Such names and descriptions help LLMs (large language models) interact effectively with the AI plugin. Parameter: Summary Summary information about the parameter. Parameter: Default value Default value of the parameter. in the Request section below the AI Plugin (preview) sections, select the input...
This sample shows how to create two AKS-hosted chat applications that use OpenAI, LangChain, ChromaDB, and Chainlit using Python and deploy them to an AKS environment built in Terraform. - Azure-Samples/aks-openai-chainlit-terraform
call stores the llm chain in the user_session dictionary for later use. the next section create the langchain llm chain. # create a chroma vector store if api_type == "azure": embeddings = azureopenaiembeddings( openai_api_version=api_version, openai_api_type=api...
Because of a recent /thread/13871 [original link is broken] in the /community [original link is broken] I post this as my first Weblog. This is a step by step HowTo
Create a k6 scripted check This tutorial shows how to create your first k6 scripted check. k6 scripted checks use the k6 OSS engine in the background, and give you the flexibility to create checks with complex logic and workflows by writing a JavaScript
SingleStore: SingleStore aims to deliver the world’s fastest distributed SQL database for data-intensive applications: SingleStoreDB, which combines transactional + analytical workloads in a single platform. Astra DB:DataStaxAstra DB is a cloud-native, multi-cloud, fully m...