查询分析 Query analysis 应用场景 “搜索”是许多用例的动力,包括Retrieval Augmented Generation(RAG)的“检索”部分。最简单的做法是将用户问题直接传递给检索器。为了提高性能,你还可以通过查询分析以某种方式“优化”查询。这通常是通过基于规则的技术来完成的,但随着LLMs的兴起,使用LLM来做这件事变得越来越流行和...
//省略N张其他表 /*问题*/ Write a SQL query which computes the average total order value for all orders on 2023-04-01. 从上述的任务描述上看,似乎直接利用LLM做推理,就可以直接实现Text2SQL的任务。当然在实际使用中,一般是需要根据你所使用的大模型做适当的调整。但是不管组织的形式如何,端到端的Text...
这里的SQL Generation是通过上一子任务确认对应的prompt模板,根据业务难度筛选"合适"的few-shot case示例。同时根据用户输入query和Schema Link的信息,完成SQL语句的生成。 同时,这里为提升LLM推理的效果,针对性加入了COT的推理过程,关于COT的实现,可以参考作者V1.0版本优化中的介绍。 3.2 数据可视化 业务场景: 需要支持...
论文的自修正并未引入SQL执行,只针对SQL本身,修复一些小的语法错误,例如缺少DESC,DISTINCT等,通过zero-shot指令来让模型对生成的SQL直接进行修正。指令如下 instruction ="""### For the given question, use the provided tables, columns, foreign keys, and primary keys to fix the given SQLite SQL QUERY f...
3. SQL Generation 同样对应以上的3种分类,论文采用的3种few-shot-prompt如下 easy:直接使用指令+表结构+ schema Link + few-shot Medium:表结构和schema Link相同,指令加入了zero-shot的思维链激活,思维链每一步会对应中间的SQL sub query。But这里有些奇怪的是论文中Medium部分的few-shot很多也是单表查询不需要...
)# Initialize the SQLDatabase object with specified schema and tablesdb=SQLDatabase.from_uri(sqlalchemy_url,schema=dataset,include_tables=['customer','address','contact']# Tables to include in the database)# Create the SQL query generation chain using the language model and databasegen_query...
Generating accurate SQL queries for user questions (text-to-SQL) has been a long-standing challenge since it requires a deep understanding of both the user's question and the corresponding database schema in order to retrieve the desired content accurately. Existing methods rely on the comprehensiv...
txt2sqltest/ ├── main.py # Main program entry, defines FastAPI app and starts service ├── sql_generator.py # SQL generation logic, using GLM model to generate SQL queries ├── answer_generator.py # Answer generation logic, using GLM model and query results to generate answers ├─...
SQLCoder is a family of large language models that outperforms gpt-4 and gpt-4-turbo for natural language to SQL generation tasks on our sql-eval framework, and significantly outperform all popular open-source models. Installing SQLCoder If running on a device with an NVIDIA GPU with more th...
LLM之RAG:《Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey大型语言模型的检索增强生成研究综述》翻译与解读