先看看已经安装哪些wsl,如果默认是docker的wsl执行Wsl就会有问题 C:\Users\userx>wsl --list Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions: docker-desktop-data (Default) docker-desktop Ubuntu 然后从windows app store安装linux,随便装个,例如 ubuntu 然后用wsl --list显示新安装的wsl名称,再设置为默认的就可以!
TheRun a full-system Linux on Power environment from Microsoft Windowstutorial covered installation and configuration of WSL for the purpose of using QEMU full-system emulation. The same steps are needed here, so refer to that tutorial if needed. Once WSL is ready, it acts just like a native...
docker Minikube停止在WSL上工作(DRV_CREATE_TIMEOUT)Hyper-V在Windows 11家庭版上不可用,假设您使用的...
when I typed wsl.exe -d wsl-vpnkit service wsl-vpnkit start alert <3>WSL (8) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:735: Failed to translate \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\root windows 11 22H2 PS D:\Downloads> wsl --version WSL 版本: 内核版本: 5.15.5...
Set up a Linux cluster on Windows via WSL2 Deploy a .NET Core app to a remote Linux cluster from VS Work in a Linux/Eclipse dev environment Work in a VS Code environment Plan and prepare Create and maintain clusters Monitor and diagnose ...
Create WSL CentOS/Ubuntu Windows App Distro with Virtualmin preloadedActive Project: Virtualmin.com Priority: Normal Category: Feature request Operating System: Other (Include in body text) Reporter: TechBright Created: Fri, 03/13/2020 - 17:09 Updated: Fri, 03/13/2020 - 17:09 Log in or re...
OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Ubuntu 18.04 running on WSL2 TensorFlow installed from (source or binary): TensorFlow version: 2.4.0 Python version: Installed using virtualenv? pip? conda?:: installed using conda ...
If you want to use diskpart command to create. You need to assign a drive letter to the formatted partition. The final step is to copy all the files from the Windows install media to the USB device--for example, where d: is my ISO mount of Windows media and f: is my USB stick:...
Update: If you have multiple Linux environments installed, you canuse the wslconfig command to choose the default Linux environmentused when you run thebash -ccommand. To create a shortcut to a Bash script from within Windows, just create a shortcut like normal. For the shortcut's target,...