在“General” 标签下,确保 “Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS” 选项已选中。 在“WSL Integration” 标签下,将 WSL Ubuntu 的切换按钮打开,并选择你要与 Docker 集成的 WSL 分发。 单击“Apply & Restart” 按钮,以应用更改并重新启动 Docker Desktop。 现在,Docker Desktop 已经配置完成,...
WSL 1 Kernel Version Distro Version Ubuntu Other Software No response Repro Steps starting wsl in anyway will gives me this error Expected Behavior I expect Ubuntu to open without any errors Actual Behavior this when runningwslorubuntucommand ...
yes, exactly it will try to open flashing the popup : "Starting VS Code in WSL (Ubuntu)" console logs look like this : [2023-02-11 02:27:33.935] Resolving wsl+ubuntu, resolveAttempt: 1 [2023-02-11 02:27:34.213] Starting VS Code Server inside WSL (wsl2) [2023-02-11 02:27:34.2...
如果WSL安装正确,它应该会启动一个默认的Linux发行版(如Ubuntu)。 确认wsl.exe后面的参数c是否合法: 参数c可能不是一个有效的参数,或者它的用法不正确。通常,wsl.exe命令后面跟的是Linux命令或者分发版的名称。如果c是你尝试运行的Linux命令的一部分,请确保整个命令在Linux中是有效的。例如,如果你想在Ubuntu中...
Select theLinux distribution app, such asUbuntu, then click Launch and hope your issue will be resolved. In case this fails, move on to the next solution. 5] Repair the Linux Distribution app The error in question implies that there is an issue with your Linux Distribution app. You are ...
Im trying to start docker in the brand new WSL2 with the following command : sudo service docker start then: sudo service docker status result : * Docker is running BUT on running the test container with : sudo docker run hello-world Error:docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon ...
* [in wsl2 run docker info got ERROR: request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version... · Issue #13693 · docker/for-win](https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/13693) * [docker desktop Debug Mode: false - Search](https://cn.bing.com/search?q=docker%20desktop...
目前,UVCDAT已经可以支持全平台了,其中Windows主要还是依赖于内嵌的Linux操作系统(有别于虚拟机和双系统,通常称之为WSL,Windows Subsystem for Linux,推荐为Ubuntu)相比于几年前,UVCDAT的安装改进了很多,功能也越来越通用完备。 MeteoAI 2019/09/10 1.9K0 Centos python3编译安装以及编译gcc升级 打包gccpython开源 引言...
A distro can be converted between versions of WSL after installation. To achieve this, you use the wsl --set-version command. This command takes two arguments: The name of the distro to update The version to convert it to An example of converting the Ubuntu distro to version 2 is shown...
Ubuntu Black Screen Blinking White Cursor (#9471), similarity score: 0.80 No response when launching wsl in terminal (#10010), similarity score: 0.77 wsl.exe hangs on launching (#10710), similarity score: 0.77 WSL 2 no longer starts - Server execution failed 0x00000001 (#8662), similarity ...