CLI to scaffold React Native libraries. Latest version: 0.48.3, last published: 10 days ago. Start using create-react-native-library in your project by running `npm i create-react-native-library`. There are 2 other projects in the npm registry using crea
1.全局安装react-native-create-library命令行工具: ``` npm install -g react-native-create-library ``` 2.在你的React Native项目的根目录下,运行以下命令创建一个新的原生模块: ``` react-native-create-library MyLibrary ``` 其中,MyLibrary是你想要创建的原生模块的名称。 3.执行上述命令后,react-nati...
const createLibrary =require('react-native-create-library'); createLibrary({ name:'MyFancyLibrary'}).then(()=>{console.log('Oh yay! My library has been created!'); }) Options {name: String,/* The name of the library (Default: Library) */prefix: String,/* The prefix for the librar...
react-native-create-library Tool to create a React Native library with a single command. Why might you need this? If you are looking to create a native module for React Native, you need some native code for each platform you want to support and then some JavaScript code to bind it all ...
npx create-react-native-library@latest brand-onemy-configurationlibrary --reactNativeVersion 0.72.6 this works npx create-react-native-library@latest brand-one-configuration --reactNativeVersion 0.72.6 this works npx create-react-native-library@latest my-library --reactNativeVersion 0.72.6 this...
I am not sure this repo is correct place to post this problem, but there is no other channels to discuss the topic. react-native-create-library is recommended in the public documents. And it seems the repo is not maintained. frostney/rea...
最新create-react-native-app搭建rn教程 一、前置条件: 1、nodeJS环境 2、npm 3、yarn 二、安装及项目初始化 1、安装脚手架 1 npm install -g create-react-native-app 2、用脚手架初始化创建项目 1 create-react-native-app appName 过程中 1)会让选择是否用navigation模板,选择用,...
利用Create React Native App 快速创建 React Native 应用 从属于笔者的 大前端开发相关,更多 React Native 相关资料参考 React Native-Reference。本文介绍的 Create-React-Native-App 是非常 Awesome 的工具,…
上文我们已经尝试了基于react-native-cli的环境搭建,整体下来,个人觉得是遇到的最复杂的开发环境搭建,尤其是Android Studio的模拟器部分,本文我们尝试基于create-react-native-app的RN环境搭建,为了参照react-native-cli,我们尝试使用对比学习的方式。 PS:我本地有两个项目文件,first_rn_project是基于react-native-cli创...
GitHub 地址: 安装这个工具还是很简单的,利用 npm 或者 yarn 将其全局安装到自己环境就好了 # npm 安装方法 npm install -g react-native-create-library # yarn 安装方法 yarn add -g react-native-create-library ...