Do you need a component library for React Native? The rise of React Native led to a soaring popularity for React Native UI libraries and components which are the most essential tools in the React Native ecosystem. They play a vital role in optimizing the React Native development process by gi...
import {ThemeManager} from 'react-native-ui-lib'; // with plain object ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Card', { borderRadius: 8 }); // with a dynamic function ThemeManager.setComponentTheme('Button', (props, context) => { // 'square' is not an original Button prop, but a custom pr...
React Native components library focused on usability, accessibility and developer experience - lad-tech/mobydick
1、修改根目录中 package.json 文件,以组件库react-native-rabbits-ui 为例,内容如下: { "name": "react-native-rabbits-ui", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "common component library for android and iOS", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified... 自动管理Timer组件 此组件目前只支持ES5 语法,ES6语法请在componentWillUnmount() 中清除timer 蚂蚁金服组件库 antd-mobile ...
第一个是吸顶功能,涉及到StickyHeaderComponent和stickyHeaderIndices这两个 API,可以实现滚动吸顶的效果,非常的好用。 第二个是automaticallyAdjustContentInsets属性,有时候iOS 滚动列表上会出现莫名其妙的空白区域,这个是 iOS Native 层实现的,RN 具体的触发时机我没有做详细的测试,但基本上把这个属性关掉就可以规避了...
react-native-animatable react-native-blur Usage This is a quick example of how to use our basic components, modifiers and presets to generate a good looking screen. import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {View, TextInput, Text, Button} from 'react-native-ui-lib'; export default cl...
React Native 不是黑科技,我们写的代码总是以一种非常合理,可以解释的方式的运行着,只是绝大多数人没有理解而已。接下来我以 iOS 平台为例,简单的解释一下 React Native 的原理。 首先要明白的一点是,即使使用了 React Native,我们依然需要 UIKit 等框架,调用的是 Objective-C 代码。总之,JavaScript 只是辅助,... 自动管理Timer组件 此组件目前只支持ES5 语法,ES6语法请在componentWillUnmount() 中清除timer 蚂蚁金服组件库 antd-mobile ...
Essential JS 2 for Vue is a complete suite of Vue components built from TypeScript libraries. It supports all the native Vue framework features like model binding and dependency injection. Our Customers Love Us Having an excellent set of tools and a great support team, Syncfusion reduces customer...