在使用Material UI构建react-create-library时遇到错误,可能是由于多种原因造成的。以下是一些基础概念、可能的原因、解决方案以及相关的应用场景。 基础概念 Material UI: 是一个流行的React UI框架,提供了大量预制的组件,遵循Material Design规范。 react-create-library: 这是一个用于创建React库的工具,可以帮助开发...
在使用Material UI构建react-create-library时遇到错误,可能是由于多种原因造成的。以下是一些基础概念、可能的原因、解决方案以及相关的应用场景。 基础概念 Material UI: 是一个流行的React UI框架,提供了大量预制的组件,遵循Material Design规范。 react-create-library: 这是一个用于创建React库的工具,可以帮助...
CLI to scaffold React Native libraries.Usage:npx create-react-native-library@latest react-native-awesome-libraryThis will ask you few questions about your project and generate a new project in a folder named awesome-library.See more details on the documentation website.Read...
create-react-app默认情况下是不暴露配置文件的,执行npm run eject暴露配置文件的操作是不可逆的。 个人喜欢使用react-app-rewired自定义配置(类似于vue-cli3的自定义配置文件) react-app-rewired 1.x 配合 create-react-app 1.x react-app-rewired 2.x 配合 create-react-app 2.x以上 react-app-rewired@^2....
Create a React Library with TypeScript and Vite This repository is an example of a React library created with TypeScript and Vite. Getting Started First, install the dependencies of the monorepo: yarn install Build the library: cd packages/my-lib && yarn build Run the development server of th...
This bootsraped library can be used both in React and React Native projects, ideally for libraries that need to share code between apps (eg ui-kit).InstallIn order to run node must be v14 or highernpm i -g create-rnw-libraryCreate new module...
create-react-app <项目名称> 3 开始项目 cd <项目名> npm run start 二、 查看项目 package.json 信息 1 package.json 一览 1{2"name": "ws-student-app",3"version": "0.1.0",4"private":true,5"homepage": ".",6"dependencies": {7"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^4.2.4",8"@testing-lib...
This is where this tool comes in. It creates a boilerplate with all current best practices in mind. Why not usereact-native new-library? Unfortunately that command doesn't create an up-to-date library, requires an already initialized React Native project and only sets up the iOS side of ...
npm install --save react-router Alternatively you may useyarn: yarn add react-router This works for any library, not justreact-router. Importing a Component This project setup supports ES6 modules thanks to Babel. While you can still userequire()andmodule.exports, we encourage you to useimport...
在使用Material UI构建react-create-library时遇到错误,可能是由于多种原因造成的。以下是一些基础概念、可能的原因、解决方案以及相关的应用场景。 基础概念 Material UI: 是一个流行的React UI框架,提供了大量预制的组件,遵循Material Design规范。 react-create-library: 这是一个用于创建React库的工具,可以帮助...