开发人工智能驱动的应用程序:使用人工智能创建交互式Python程序,用于输入处理、数学运算和控制流 驾驭AI指导:学习利用ChatGPT增强Python编程的功能 掌握Python基础知识:了解Python语法、数据类型和控制结构以实现有效编程 探索高级Python:深入研究数据结构、GUI开发和人工智能功能编程 应用人工智能技能:通过创建用于实际应用的Gen...
▲ModelBuilder提供数据集、Prompt模板等 从数据管理、模型精调、模型评估优化,到推理服务部署、Prompt工程,ModelBuilder提供全流程工具链,并以RESTful API(应用程序接口)形式提供全栈API能力,支持Java、Python等多语言的SDK,覆盖模型开发和应用开发的20多个的使用案例。▲ModelBuilder提供全流程工具链 此外,通过千帆...
在4月16日举办的2024百度Create AI开发者大会上,百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏将就这些备受瞩目的问题一一进行解答。
在4月16日举办的2024百度Create AI开发者大会上,百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏将就这些备受瞩目的问题一一进行解答。
智东西4月11日报道,今日,在百度Create AI开发者大会预沟通会上,百度披露了“三大开发神器”AgentBuilder、AppBuilder、ModelBuilder阶段性成果。 据介绍,AgentBuilder将提供问答对调优、数据看板、提供接入商业插件和一站式深度服务等新能力;AppBuilder工具组件扩增至55个,并上线了“三步生成应用”功能;ModelBuilder模型量...
This article teaches you to create, test, and publish a simple Python 3.8 runbook in your Azure Automation account.
The PlotAI class has only one method, make(). It works in Python scripts and in notebooks (Jupyter, Colab, VS Code). 🚀 Get started Install plotai package: pip install plotai Create .env file with the OpenAI API key: OPENAI_API_KEY=your-key-here You can also pass the OpenAI API...
Let's Sipeed up, Maximize AI's power! MaixPy (v4): Easily create AI projects with Python on edge device Quick Start | Documentation | API | Hardware English | 中文 New MaixPy (v4) and new hardware platform MaixCAM is coming now(2024.4)! If you have any suggestions, tell us on Mai...
You can edit code cells with the help of Python code insights, such as syntax highlighting and code completion. IntelliJ IDEA enables code completion for the names of classes, functions, and variables. Start typing the name of the code construct, and the suggestion list appears. Methods and fu...
Use it in your favorite language like PHP, Python, C# and others. as long as your language is supported with the HTTP protocol, you will save time and money. you don't need to know how Venom works, we have the complete API documentation, in a professional way!