1. Syntax of createOrReplaceTempView() Following is the syntax of thecreateOrReplaceTempView()method. This method is from the Dataset class. So you can use this method fromPySpark DataFrameand Dataset objects. #Syntax of createOrReplaceTempView() createOrReplaceTempView(viewName) 2. How Does cr...
使用指定的名稱建立或取代本機暫存檢視。 此暫存檢視的存留期會系結至建立這個 DataFrame 的SparkSession。 C# 複製 public void CreateOrReplaceTempView (string viewName); 參數 viewName String 檢視的名稱 適用於 產品版本 Microsoft.Spark latest
Syntax Arguments Remarks Permissions Show 3 more Creates a relational index on a specified table or view on a specified table. An index can be created before there is data in the table. Relational indexes can be created on tables or views in another database by specifying a qualified database...
Syntax options Common syntax Simple CREATE TABLE syntax (common if not using options): syntaxsql Copy CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } ( { <column_definition> } [ ,... n ] ) [ ; ] Full syntax Disk-based CREATE TABLE sy...
syntaxsql 复制 CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } [ AS FileTable ] ( { <column_definition> | <computed_column_definition> | <column_set_definition> | [ ] [ ,... n ] | [ ] } [ ,... n ] [ PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIM...
CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY creates a full-text retrieval dictionary. A dictionary is used to identify and process particular words during full-text retrieval.Dictionar
Syntax create_database::= Description of the illustration create_database.eps (database_logging_clauses::=,tablespace_clauses::=,set_time_zone_clause::=,datafile_tempfile_spec::=,enable_pluggable_database::=) database_logging_clauses::= ...
Use this clause to specify whether column is VISIBLE or INVISIBLE. The default is VISIBLE. INVISIBLE columns are user-specified hidden columns. To display or assign a value to an INVISIBLE column, you must specify its name explicitly. For example: The SELECT * syntax will not display an ...
CREATE TABLE 语句定义表。 该定义必须包含表的名称及其列的名称和属性。 该定义可以包含表的其他属性,例如,其主键或检查约束。 要创建已创建的临时表,请使用 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。 要声明已声明的临时表,请使用 DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。
Edit thes.yamlfile. For more information about the parameters in the .yaml file,YAML syntax and permission management. Run the following command to deploy the project: sudo s deploy Sample command output: [2021-12-15 07:54:30] [INFO] [S-CLI] - Start ... [2021-12-15 07:54:30] [...