CREATE VIEW — 定义一个新视图 大纲 CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ TEMP | TEMPORARY ] [ RECURSIVE ] VIEW name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] [ WITH ( view_option_name [= view_option_value ] [, ... ] ) ] AS query [ WITH [ CASCADED | LOCAL ] CHECK OPTION ] 描述 CREATE VIEW定义...
Creates or replaces a local temporary view using the given name. The lifetime of this temporary view is tied to the SparkSession that created this DataFrame.
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] [ TEMP | TEMPORARY ] [ RECURSIVE ] VIEW name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] [ WITH ( view_option_name [= view_option_value] [, ... ] ) ] AS query [ WITH [ CASCADED | LOCAL ] CHECK OPTION ] 参数 TEMPORARY/TEMP 如果指定为临时视图,系统将在当前会话结束...
createOrReplaceTempView注释 /** * Creates a local temporary view using the given name. The lifetime of this * temporary view is tied to the [[SparkSession]] that was used to create this Dataset. * * @group basic * @since 2.0.0 */ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. createOrReplaceTempView...
Spark SQL 支持自动将 JavaBeans 的 RDD 转换为 DataFrame。使用反射获取的 BeanInfo 定义了表的 schema...
CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name select_statement 对于create table as 语句,openGauss 不支持使用 if not exists 判断,因此会删除 if 判断。 列约束 语法:column_definition: col_name type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value] [AUTO_INCREMENT] [UNIQUE [KEY] | [PRIMARY] KEY...
Hello: I need help to see where I am doing wrong in creation of table & am getting couple of errors. Any help is greatly appreciated. CODE:- %sql CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY VIEW Table1 USING CSV OPTIONS ( -- Location of csv file
If, after the view has been created, a table or view that the definition refers to is dropped, use of the view results in an error. To check a view definition for problems of this kind, use the CHECK TABLE statement. The definition cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table, and you cannot ...
If you specify a view name that begins with '# ', the view is created as a temporary view that is visible only in the current session. For more information about valid names, seeNames and identifiers. You can't create tables or views in the system databases template0, template1, padb...
在Flink CDC中,使用createTemporaryView方法创建临时视图时,可以定义主键。主键用于唯一标识视图中的每条记录,它在查询和处理视图数据时非常有用。 要定义主键,可以在创建临时视图时使用WITH子句,并指定primaryKey选项。下面是一个示例代码片段,演示了如何使用createTemporaryView定义主键:```// 创建Flink CDC SourceMySQL...