arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(env.scratchGDB, os.path.basename(newFC), shape, "", "DISABLED", "DISABLED", outputCS) for field,params in dictOfFields.iteritems(): try: fldLength = params[1] fldAlias = params[2] except: fldLength = 0 pass arcpy.AddField_management(newFC,field,par...
arcpy.createfeatureclass_management("C:/data.gdb","new_feature_class", "POINT", template=template) 在上述示例中,我们首先定义了一个template变量,并设置其值为一个已存在要素类的路径。然后,我们在createfeatureclass_management方法中使用template参数,并将template变量的值传递给它。这样,创建的新要素类将继承...
# 需要導入模塊: import arcpy [as 別名]# 或者: from arcpy importCreateFeatureclass_management[as 別名]defcreateOutputFC():# Input theAOI is the original first parameter (usually CLU feature layer)## Given the path for the new output featureclass, create it as polygon and add required fields...
CreateFeatureLinkedAnnotation example This sample script updates annotation for a single chart. # Name: # Description: Creates annotation for an Alaskan chart # Author: Esri # Date: July 2014 # Import arcpyproduction and aviation modules import arcpy import arcpyproducti...
arcgis engine create featureclass , gp工具 varmdbTemp =this.txtSavePath.Text;vartemp_wsp =Acropolis.Library.ArcObjects.WorkspaceUtility.CreateAccessWorkspace(mdbTemp);if(temp_wsp ==null) {thrownewException("创建临时结果文件失败"); }//IGeoProcessorResult result =null;foreach(varinputinthis.m_..., "<fieldName>", "LONG") Apply the InsertCursor() function to insert a new row in an attribute table. Apply the append() function to add the point to the feature's array of points. Apply the arcpy.Polygon() function to create the polygo...
a Store Layer with Address Data tool Locator = "C:/ArcGIS/Business Analyst/US_2022/Data/Geocoding Data/USA_StreetAddress.loc" AddressesCollection = "Addr:380 New York St|City:Redlands|State:CA" OutputFeatureClass = "C:/temp/sf_stores.shp" # Generate Store layers with address data ...
示例1: output2NewFC ▲點讚 9▼ # 需要導入模塊: import SSUtilities [as 別名]# 或者: from SSUtilities importcreateAppendFieldNames[as 別名]defoutput2NewFC(self, outputFC, candidateFields, appendFields = [], fieldOrder = []):"""Creates a new feature class with the same shape charcteristi...
arcpy.locref.CreateLRSIntersection(parent_network, network_description_field, intersection_feature_class_name, intersecting_layers, {consider_z}, z_tolerance) Name Explanation Data Type parent_network The network to which the intersection will be registered. Feature Layer network_description_field The fi...
EditOperation insertCursorEditOperation = new EditOperation(); insertCursorEditOperation.Name = "Create rows using InsertCursor"; insertCursorEditOperation.Callback((EditOperation.IEditContext editContext) => { using (InsertCursor insertCursor = featureClass.CreateInsertCursor()) ...