arcpy.Union_analysis(input_list,r"E:\pythondata\FileGDB.gdb\MyFeatureSet\union3") 参数约定,一般来说: (1)所有输入数据集的参数名都带有前缀 in_,而所有输出数据集的参数名都带有前缀 out_。 (2)输入数据集通常为第一个参数,输出数据集通常为最后一个必需参数。其他必需参数位于输入和输出数据集之间。
四、 实习步骤 1、代码界面 line = rD:\python workspace\gongkaikedemo\Demo3\line.shpn #输入线数据# mem point = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(in_memorynf mem_point\ POINT, DISABLED, DISABLED, line) #创建一个要素类mem_point” # arcpy.AddField_management(mem_point, LineOID, TEXT) ...
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(savepath, featurename, 'POINT', '', '', '', spatial) else: pass #添加字段 def AddField(self, savepath, featurename): arcpy.AddField_management(savepath + '\\' + featurename + '.shp', 'bikeid', 'TEXT') arcpy.AddField_management(savepath + '\\...
摘要:To update values in a feature class within a geodatabase using acrpy, we can use an Update Cursor. Using an Update Cursor You can use an arcpy.da.Upda阅读全文 posted @2024-05-22 09:10McDelfino阅读(9)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(os.path.dirname(out_mdb),os.path.basename(out_mdb))else:#shpos.makedirs(out_mdb)#arcpy.AddMessage("88888888888888888888888888888888888888")geometry=row.getValue(shapeName)fordatasetinmydatasets: i+=1arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() ...
The in-memory workspace is temporary and is deleted when the app is closed. To make a permanent copy of the output project that contains notes overlays, specify a notes_gdb and use the saveACopy method from the ArcGISProject class. Using the updateLayerFromJSON function If your web app ...
Using IN_MEMORY really sped it up. Reply 0 Kudos by ScottLinton 08-18-2015 06:25 PM Hi Stacy, I am trying to update a feature class by running a python script after hours. Unfortunately I am having trouble with file locks caused by other users. I have tried your clearWS...
Using a SQL filter in the TableToTable tool fails in the same way. Reply 0 Kudos by ChrisPedrezuela 07-14-2016 03:16 AM Maybe you can just use a sqllite3 library, fetch all your required records and append to a staging featureclass, might be faster than T2T gp tool. Reply...
env.workspace = searchPath # 设置arcpy的工作空间,可达到相对路径效果 for featureclass in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): # 历遍文件夹下的shp,gdb、mdb、dataset下所有要素类 list.append(searchPath + os.sep + featureclass ) for dataset in arcpy.ListDatasets(): # 历遍gdb、mdb下所有dataset f(search...