redshift create materialized view 字段注释 在Amazon Redshift中,创建物化视图(Materialized View)时并不直接支持字段级别的注释。但是,你可以在创建物化视图后,通过COMMENT ON COLUMN 命令为物化视图中的列添加注释。以下是一个示例:sql CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW my_materialized_view AS SELECT column1, column2...
Die externe Redshift-Spectrum-Tabelle verweist auf die Daten in Amazon S3.CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_sales_vw as select salesid, qtysold, pricepaid, commission, saletime from public.sales union all select salesid, qtysold, pricepaid, commission, saletime from spectrum.sales ...
Creates a view in a database. The view isn't physically materialized; the query that defines the view is run every time the view is referenced in a query.
默认每个MaxCompute项目只能利用自身的物化视图进行查询改写,如果需要利用其他项目中的物化视图进行改写,您需要在查询语句前添加set odps.sql.materialized.view.source.project.white.list=<project_name1>,<project_name2>,<project_name3>;配置指定其他MaxCompute项目列表。 MaxCompute中物化视图的查询改写支持的算子类型及...
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW,MaxCompute:基於滿足物化視圖情境的資料建立物化視圖,支援分區和聚簇情境。 視圖是一種虛擬表,任何對視圖的查詢,都會轉換為視圖SQL語句的查詢。而物化視圖是一種特殊的物理表,物化視圖會儲存實際的資料,佔用儲存資源。更多物化視圖計費資訊
The BACKUP clause is available in Redshift to control if the view is to be included in snapshots. zaza changed the title CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW with BACKUP NO is not supported [BUG] JSQLParser 4.6 : Redshift : CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW with BACKUP NO is not supported Feb 24, 2023 ...
Amazon Redshift Google BigQuery Snowflake Validate the SQL statement After you define an SQL query and create a materialized view, validate the SQL statement. During validation, ArcGIS uses the properties of the first row returned in the table to determine the validity of the query. ...
Viewflow needs to know where to write the views. It uses an Airflow connection that is referred to in the view files by specifying a connection_id. Currently, Viewflow supports Postgres (or Redshift) data warehouses. Please look at the Airflow documentation to create a Postgres connection....
MaxCompute默认不支持使用非确定性函数(例如UDF、UDAF等)创建物化视图。当您的业务场景必须要使用非确定性函数时,请在Session级别设置属性set;。 物化视图支持生成空分区,原始表分区为空的时候,刷新物化视图,自动生成空分区。
For more information about billing, see the "Billing for standard SQL jobs" section in Computing pricing. Take note of the following points: The SQL statements used to update a materialized view are the same as the SQL statements used to create a materialized view. If the project to which ...