创建选项 1:Redshift 支持常规的集群,适用于用量相对稳定的工作负载,根据使用示例数据集 – Amazon Redshift的步骤 1 来创建集群,步骤 2 来尝试示例查询。 创建选项 2:Redshift 也支持 Serverless 的集群,适用于用量波动较大的工作负载,根据Amazon Redshift Serverless的步骤来配置 Serverless...
实体化视图包含查询结果的快照。除非您将 Amazon Redshift 配置为定期更新,否则实体化视图不会定期更新。要手动刷新和更新实体化视图中的数据,您可以随时使用REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW语句。该命令可识别基表中发生的更改,并将这些更改应用到实体化视图中。
当基表中的数据发生变更时,您可以发出Amazon Redshift SQL语句“refresh materialized view”以刷新物化视图。在发出刷新语句之后,您的物化视图将包含与常规视图相同的数据内容。刷新可以采取增量刷新与完全刷新(重新计算)两种具体形式。Amazon Redshift还会在完成上一次物化视图刷新之后,尽可能通过增量方式刷新基表中的已变...
Amazon Redshift でマテリアライズドビューを使用する 序章 マテリアライズドビューを理解する マテリアライズドビューの作成 マテリアライズドビューのクエリ マテリアライズドビューの更新 自動クエリ書き換え マテリアライズドビューの利点 リソース ドキュメント履歴 用...
Redshift,这是第一个完全托管、PB级的云数据仓库。相对于传统的本地数据仓库解决方案,Amazon Redshift...
Redshift 是基于 Amazon 云平台(AWS) 的数据仓库,是基于 PoetgreSQL 为基础的,换句话说就是云环境...
You can use Redshift materialized views to speed up queries that are predictable and repeated. A solution that runs SQL REFRESH on the materialized view would ensure that the latest data from the current sales table is included in the report. ...
Amazon Redshift Salesforce Data Cloud Snowflake Microsoft SQL Server Azure Synapse (SQL Data Warehouse) Google BigQuery Databricks Hive metastore federation Connection requirements Workspace requirements: Workspace enabled for Unity Catalog. Compute requirements: ...
When the materialized view is created, the query is issued against Amazon Redshift. When a query is issued against the materialized view, there is no query issued against Amazon Redshift and instead the results are returned directly from PostgreSQL. Querying a materialized view is ...
Materialized View: StarRocks supports intelligent materialized views, which are precomputed summaries of data that accelerate query performance by providing faster access to aggregated data. AWS Redshift Architecture Redshift’s architecture is based on a distributed and shared-nothing architecture. A clust...