I'm stuck in a Laravel project, I've been using laravel a lot of years and never happened this. I'm using Vagrant (as always) and only happens this with PHP 8,with other projects with php 7.X doesn't happen. Every page shows this error: Unable to create lockable file: /var/...
背景描述有一个旧域名xxxx.misiyu.cn 是以前临时用的,然后目前启用正式域名了,想要把旧域名(xxxx.misiyu.cn )跳转到正式域名,并且是要附带域名后面的参数。...解决办法网上查了下,其实也简单,利用Laravel现成的一些方法即可。...在routes/web.php文件增加: Route:..
For example: php artisan vendor:publish -provider=”LaravelPWAProvidersLaravelPWAServiceProvider” The ‘laravelpwa.php’ file may be found in the configuration folder. Alter the app’s name (in both its short and long forms) and colour scheme as needed so that they mesh with the rest of th...
$query->where('value', $value); }) ->get(); The goal is to show a table for each product_group that lists the products that match the queried value (along with other information). I need to be able to use attributes from both the product_group and products in my...
Hi, When I tried to run the php artisan migrate on linux server getting the errors: fatal: Unable to create '/laraveltest/.git/index.lock': Permission denied The stream or file "/laraveltest/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: Failed to open stream: Permi...
PeopleSea14 声望
I am currently working on combining 3 cryptography algorithms namely AES,DES,RC4. I have successfully done encrytion and stored the key and cipher text in a file but as in my code of RC4 cipher is an ...How to make a global variable for all blade laravel Good Peoples. I have an is...
Laravel eloquent --从特征返回null的字段名Laravel Eloquent是Laravel框架中的一个ORM(对象关系映射)工具,用于简化数据库操作。它提供了一种优雅的方式来与数据库进行交互,使开发人员能够使用面向对象的方式来处理数据库记录。 在Laravel Eloquent中,如果从数据库中查询的结果集中某个字段的值为null,可以通过以下方式...
One way to create a "demo" website is to use Laravel's session driver to store the temporary data instead of persisting it to the database. Here's a step-by-step solution: Create a new route in your routes file (e.g.,web.php) to handle the demo login and logout functionality: ...
Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up Reseting focus {{ message }} wmfairuz / laravel-update-or-create Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Code ...