我创建了一个具有sudo权限的名为deploy的用户,并将nginx改为使用此用户。然而,这个应用程序运行良好,任何时候Laravel写入日志文件(laravel.log,my-custom-log.log等)时,它都会显示用户是forge,组是deploy。为什么即使nginx使用的是不同的用户,Laravel仍然默认使用该用 浏览14提问于2016-08-26得票数 0 回答已采纳 6...
CUSTOM_LOG_CONSOLE_ENABLE (true|false, default=false) File CUSTOM_LOG_FILE_ENABLE (true|false, default=true) MySQL CUSTOM_LOG_MYSQL_ENABLE (true|false, default=false) DB_LOG_CONNECTION (connection defined in database.php, default=mysql) ...
Log::useFiles(storage_path('logs/job/error.log')); 。 到这里,日志会记录两份, 1. 是自带的日志文件内容, 2. 是自己指定的日志文件内容。 那么,只想在指定的文件里记录要肿么办呢? 只需在Log::useDailyFiles(storage_path('logs/job/error.log'))之前加上, $monolog = Log::getMonolog(); $mono...
namespace App\Logging\Custom; use Monolog\Logger; use App\Logging\Handler\LoggingByLevelHandler; class LoggingByLevelLogger extends Logger { // 当前记录日志的等级 protected $level = 'info'; public function __invoke(array $config) { // file_put_contents(storage_path('logs/test.txt'), print_...
php artisan make:exception CustomException2在业务逻辑中抛出异常Route::get('ex',function(){thrownewCustomException('thrown for caught'); });3扩展App\Exceptions\Handler类publicfunctionreport(Exception$exception){if($exceptioninstanceofCustomException) {Log::channel('daily')->error($exception->getMessag...
在上面的例子中,定义了一个用于捕获 ErrorException 的处理方法,在这个回调函数内部将日志写入到上节课中定义的 custom 日志配置中。然后再次运行路由进行测试,你会发现日志被记录到了 storage/logs/zyblog.log 文件中,而 laravel.log 文件中没有记录。其实在默认情况下,所有的错误信息都会在 laravel.log 或者你定义...
For example, imagine your application needs to process a multi-gigabyte log file while taking advantage of Laravel's collection methods to parse the logs. Instead of reading the entire file into memory at once, lazy collections may be used to keep only a small part of the file in memory ...
File Visibility Deleting Files Directories Custom Filesystems IntroductionLaravel provides a powerful filesystem abstraction thanks to the wonderful Flysystem PHP package by Frank de Jonge. The Laravel Flysystem integration provides simple drivers for working with local filesystems, SFTP, and Amazon ...
It's purpose is to be used to capture your own custom log needs. Installation Via Composer: $ composer require supersixtwo/dblog Then add the service provider in config/app.php: Supersixtwo\Dblog\DBlogServiceProvider::class, And the alias in config/app.php: 'DBlog' => Supersixtwo\D...
For your convenience, the sample repository contains a custom configuration file called default. As noted previously, you don't want to replace this file using the SSH shell, because your changes will be lost after an app restart.Expand table ...