Hadoop 分布式文件系统 (HDFS) 链接服务。 展开表 名称类型说明 annotations object[] 可用于描述链接服务的标记列表。 connectVia IntegrationRuntimeReference 集成运行时参考。 description string 链接服务说明。 parameters <string, ParameterSpecification> 链接服务的参数。 type string: Hdfs 链接服务的类型。 t...
Set this property in one of two ways: run the SET HADOOP PROPERTY command, or set the value globally by updating the $BIGSQL_HOME/conf/bigsql-conf.xml configuration file. Description EXTERNAL Indicates that the data in the table is not managed by the database manager. If you drop the ...
Set this property in one of two ways: issue the SET HADOOP PROPERTY command or set the value globally by updating the $BIGSQL_HOME/conf/bigsql-conf.xml configuration file. 5 Do not use the SPLITALGO or NUMREGION clauses with ADD SALT. Also, SPLITALGO and NUMREGION are mutually exclusive...
-- Create the external table called ClickStream.CREATEEXTERNALTABLEClickStreamExt (urlVARCHAR(50), event_dateDATE, user_IPVARCHAR(50) )WITH( LOCATION ='hdfs://MyHadoop:5000/tpch1GB/employee.tbl', FORMAT_OPTIONS ( FIELD_TERMINATOR ='|') ) ;-- Use your own processes to create the Hadoop te...
CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT JsonGzipped WITH ( FORMAT_TYPE = JSON, DATA_COMPRESSION = 'org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec' ); GO Create the external stream object. The following example creates an external stream object pointing to Kafka topic TemperatureMeasurement. SQL Copy CREATE EXTERN...
example, Impala can create an Avro, SequenceFile, or RCFile table but cannot insert data into it. There are also Impala-specific procedures for using compression with each kind of file format. For details about working with data files of various formats, seeHow Impala Works with Hadoop File ...
刚刚在hadoop想创建一个目录的时候,发现报错了 具体信息如下: [hadoop@mini1 hadoop-2.6.4]$ hadoop fs -mkdir/filemkdir: Cannot create directory /file. Name node isinsafe mode. 从错误信息可以看到hadoop当前的namenode是处于安全模式。 解决:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] <mc_oss_rcfile_extable> ( <col_name> <data_type>, ... ) [partitioned BY (<col_name> <data_type>, ...)] row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe' stored AS rcfile location '<oss_location>'; SELECT ...
In this case, you can store the resources in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and then reference the resources in the code of the EMR Spark Streaming node. Sample code: Create an EMR JAR resource. For more information, see Create and use an EMR resource. The first time you use ...
kubesphere搭建Hadoop集群 kubectl create configmap 一、ConfigMap 什么是configmap kubernetes集群可以使用ConfigMap来实现对容器中应用的配置管理。 可以把ConfigMap看作是一个挂载到pod中的存储卷 创建ConfigMap的4种方式 创建ConfigMap的方式有4种: 1, 通过直接在命令行中指定configmap参数创建,即--from-literal=key=...