意思是在hadoop/bin目录下缺少了winutils.exe和hadoop.dll,winutils.exe是在Windows系统上需要的hadoop调试环境工具,里面包含一些在Windows系统下调试hadoop、spark所需要的基本的工具类,另外在使用eclipse调试hadoop程序是,也需要winutils.exe,需要配置上面的环境变量。 下载winutils,注意需要与hadoop的版本相对应: https://...
修改/etc/sudoers文件,在%wheel这行下面添加一行,如下所示: ##Allow root to run any commands anywhere root ALL=(ALL) ALL ##Allows people in group wheel to run all commands %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL atguigu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 注意:atguigu这一行不要直接放到root行...
配置Windows 系统适配器 VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 的 IP 打开控制面板->【网络和Internet】下方的【查看网络状态和任务】->【更改适配器设置】->VMware Network Adapter VMnet8状态->打开属性,选择TCP/IP4 在Windows中打开C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc路径,在hosts文件中添加如下内容: ljc102...
2 shell running hadoop commands 0 Running hadoop jar command from JAVA using Runtime.exec 1 How to invoke shell script in Hive Hot Network Questions Where is the Charlatan Background in PHB 2024? Does it make sense to mature a gluten-free flour? Can a Merchant Really Charge to M...
Note:All commands need to be run on theTerminal. You can open the Terminal by right-clicking on the desktop and selectingOpen Terminal Step 9: Downloading and Installing Java 8 Click here to download the Java 8 Package. Save this file in your home directory ...
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere root ALL=(ALL) ALL ## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL fancyry ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 注意:fancyry这一行不要直接放到root行下面,因为所有用户都属于wheel组,你先配置了fancyry具有免...
There are some important points to note aboutFigure 5. First, notice that these commands look like familiar SQL statements, allowing you to create table structures into which you can load data. What’s particularly interesting is the loading of data from Windows Azure Storage services. Note the...
The environment used for this article was a computer running Windows 10. The commands were executed in a command prompt, and the various files were edited with Notepad. Modify accordingly for your environment. From a command prompt, enter the commands below to create a working environment: ...
There isn't a way to sign multiple files in gpg2 on the command line, so it's either write a loop in bash or just edit the line and let path completion simplify your life. Here's the list of sign commands: gpg --armor --detach-sign hadoop.dll gpg --armor --detach-sign hadoop...
There isn't a way to sign multiple files in gpg2 on the command line, so it's either write a loop in bash or just edit the line and let path completion simplify your life. Here's the list of sign commands: gpg --armor --detach-sign hadoop.dll gpg --armor --detach-sign hadoop...