本文将详细解释createfeatureclass_management方法中的template参数。 第一部分:了解createfeatureclass_management方法 createfeatureclass_management方法是arcpy模块中的一个函数,用于在地理数据库中创建要素类。该函数有多个参数,其中一个是template参数。在继续讨论模板参数之前,让我们先了解一下createfeatureclass_management...
arcpy.management.AddField(out_feature_class, "<fieldName>", "LONG") Apply the InsertCursor() function to insert a new row in an attribute table. Apply the append() function to add the point to the feature's array of points. Apply the arcpy.Polygon() function to create the polyg...
Solved: Hi. I'm trying to learn how to read a txt file of coordinates into an arcpy script, and create a featureclass from those coordinates. The only examples I
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that creates an empty, unregistered feature class in an enterprise database.
arcpy.samples.CreateFeaturesFromTextFile(input_text_file, input_decimal_separator, output_feature_class, {output_feature_class_spatial_reference}) 参数说明数据类型 input_text_file A text file containing coordinates. Text File input_decimal_separator ...
arcgis engine create featureclass , gp工具 varmdbTemp =this.txtSavePath.Text;vartemp_wsp =Acropolis.Library.ArcObjects.WorkspaceUtility.CreateAccessWorkspace(mdbTemp);if(temp_wsp ==null) {thrownewException("创建临时结果文件失败"); }//IGeoProcessorResult result =null;foreach(varinputinthis.m_...
CreateScratchName("temp", data_type="Shapefile", workspace=arcpy.env.scratchFolder) # Execute Buffer tool, using scratch name for output # arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Roads", scratch_name, "1000 feet") # Execute Clip tool, using scratch name for input # arcpy.Clip_analysis(scratch_name, "City...
import arcpy # Set workspace # arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/Municipal.gdb" # Create a scratch name for the Buffer tool output. # The scratch name created will be include 'temp0.shp', # If temp0.shp already exists, the number will be incremented # until the name is unique in the...
in_features (path to feature class as str / arcpy.mp.Layer object): The input features. If this is a layer, definition queries and selection will be honored. out_path (str): Path of the output bkmx file. name_field (str): The field used to name the bookmarks. Optional, default is...
Firstly, I'd recommend using the search cursor in the data access module, arcpy.da.SearchCursor instead of the one you are using. It's much more efficient. Secondly, the Euclidean distance tool doesn't work on individual rows of a dataset. You'll have to create a f...