I myself was quite the terror with these things; they really help an idiot kid like me pretend to be Spider-Man in an even more annoying way. I was constantly launching these things across the living room, trying to grab onto something. Never worked. Can’t believe it. Amazon 33. Ele...
When Hollywood has a good day, then it's a really good day. One of the best things that can happen to the casting team, is finding a stuntman that looks pretty much the same as the star. The Jurassic Park foundation did not clone Chri...
That’s because I really haven’t had any. Or rather, the one I was having just wasn’t any fun. When we moved into our house, one of the first things that happened was that the oven door broke off. Well, that was less than optimal. But you know, you can do quite a lot of ...
juicer is great in terms of power, but every once in a while something squirts out of somewhere and catches me off guard. This is mostly my error- if you push things through it too fast, it squirts. (There’s a joke there, I know.) I’m using my mop a lot more, that’s for...
Of the many things Reddit users have done, “uncover super weird mysteries” is definitely at the top of the list. Sometimes, the mysteries are just really strange websites that are unsettling because of their unorthodox structure. But in other cases, the mysteries can seep into the the wider...
Years later, Slash said, "I knew it was directed at me, because I was real strung out at the time. But it was probably one of the things that made me hate Axl more than anything." According To The Band's First Manager, Rose Had A Split Personality That Was Half "Sweet ...
Today, Mr. Yu is confident enough, and even proud to talk about Huawei’s sales and potentials. He would also talk about such things in the past, but everybody believed that I was talking big. Actually, he was even a little bit angry when he recalled this. ...
Read More Jul 03 How to resist failures of the past? There are 3 simple things, which you can abandon and protect yourself from failures of the past… Usually people tend to tie their misfortunes into a ball: one thing happened, then another and they are connected to the third...
gathered myself, and figured out why what I had observed had happened later – and I learned to quietly leave the room when the ‘experts’ and intellectual purists started explaining why things weren’t working. Hell, if they knew what they were talking about I wouldn’t have had a job...
at the police in sign language. The incident happened when police escorted Gill to a hostel where he�d been staying. Though the officers initially had no idea what Gill had said to them, a worker translated Gill�s comments, detailing the extensive explicit language that was said to ...