blame any failure to clean up messes on predecessors (you/allies) and deflect the attention that should be focused on your failure as a need to do some new and expensive untested things someone saw posted on reddit.
September 27, 2007 Uncategorized No comments If the kids survive lead poisoning, perhaps they will live long enough to commit suicide or merely mutilate themselves. Now they are taking their pierced, cut and tattooed selves into the woods and finding new things to ingest which aren’t yet illeg...
When Hollywood has a good day, then it's a really good day. One of the best things that can happen to the casting team, is finding a stuntman that looks pretty much the same as the star. The Jurassic Park foundation did not clone Chri...
Miley Cyrus is accused by some conspiracy theorists of being some kind ofwalking distraction, keeping the American people focused on frivolities while horrible things happen elsewhere. But Korn lead singer Jonathan Davis, himself a hardcore conspiracy theorist, took it one step further, saying that ...
Since I started this post, there have been things everyday to be grateful for- I just have to remember to open my eyes. Share this: Do we have to do this again? I mean, “we get to do this again!” That’s my pseudo adult “change is inevitable, growth is optional” part of ...
Miley Cyrus is accused by some conspiracy theorists of being some kind ofwalking distraction, keeping the American people focused on frivolities while horrible things happen elsewhere. But Korn lead singer Jonathan Davis, himself a hardcore conspiracy theorist, took it one step further, saying that ...
"Not much of a tune, but we made it happen," Bill Edmundson, who drummed with the band for a time, said in Shakey. "We kept that song goin' for 10 minutes. People just never wanted it to end." Sound familiar? "Walkin' in My Place (Road of Tears)" ("Mansion on the Hill")...
Just as archival scholarship has increasingly engaged in conversations around care and holistic considerations of the agency of records subjects, the child
Another fascinating aspect of video games, I visited Washington DC in November of last year, and I was constantly seeing things that reminded me of my trips through Fallout3, I could pull up a map of Arlington and see where the landmarks lined up. I’ve heard stories of people who have...
All good things must come to an end and so too must the year 2011. It has been an amazing year of growth for PCDU as we’ve covered Avalon 2011, NatFly 2011 and Oshkosh 2011 along with a number of major events (eg: Qantas grounding) and added some new voices to the team. So as...